I looked at the pay of £14 an hour and was in agreement with them but since I have seen a report where not very many if any actually get that amount. I am open for someone to show I am wrong on this. The report I saw showed this,
"In fact, it represents the hourly basic pay for the lowest-ranked doctors, who make up about 11% of junior doctors in general.
It would also only apply to doctors who receive no pay at higher rates, for instance for working nights or weekends. And it spreads their annual salary across every week of the year, including the roughly seven weeks that these doctors receive as paid time off—as a result the hourly pay includes pay for some hours when doctors are not working.
In practice it is likely that very few junior doctors, if any at all, are paid £14.09 for each hour of work that they are required to do."
It also shows they get paid sick pay which many companies don't pay these days. If this is the case why don't the reporters ask those on the picket lines these questions if it is correct.