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"Unmitigated Disaster"

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gulliver1 | 08:59 Tue 25th Apr 2023 | News
84 Answers
MPs have debated the consequences of Brexit for the first time since Britain left the EU. Resulting in the verdict that it was a Disaster.
And that Brexits's impact would be greater than the Pandemic.
The Economy is not growing , The Brits rights and protection are being challenged ,and Britains standing in the world has fallen.
.All this just to have a crown stamp on a beer glass... Was it worth it.


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"We've got no plan" What will we do ,said Boris when he heard the shock result of Brexit. And that is the first time Boris ever got anything right.
I didn’t hear him say that, Gulliver. Bet you didn’t either.
English Tories and Tartan Tories(SNP) up here in Scotland,Gully.Both nationalist parties.Both leading Brexiteers in their respective countries,Gully.
It's from the recent book "Boris at 10"... based apparently on interviews with those who were with him at the time
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Even George Osborne..Cameron's Chancellor, at that time said Mr Johnsons approach to the referendum result was 1.000 % Cynical.
Never mind, Gulliver, the nasty man’s gone now.
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Apparently Boris was walking around his kitchen at the time of the referendum results head in hands and kicked the cat........Who on earth let Boris loose in the Kitchen??? Not a good idea.
What a creative imagination
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Think Boris escaped to the kitchen to stand next to the mop ,and hoped no one would recognise him.
Boris only kicked the cat,Sturgeon was throwing irons about at the Balmoral Hotel!
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17.00 Thought Thatcher was the Iron Lady.
//Brextremists got must about everything they wanted and they are still not happy, what a surprise//

Are the far left tactic of tell a lie enough it will be believed.
Oh Gaawd
Aesop created his fables and Jonathan Swift created. Gulliver.
She was Gulliver. she would have put you across her knee and taught you a lesson.
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If Thatcher was about now Ynnafymmi would she have ironed Boris's shirts , Because it's obvious Carrie has not got a clue
@17.02.That was what the French ambassadoress thought also,Gully!
Great morphing in this thread. Brexit to Johnson both Gully's pet subjects.

I love these threads.
So is that the reason the French are having to work longer before retirement,because we aren't funding them any more?
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Naomi @ 16,39 Please do try to keep up with this thread , you are supposed to be the latest techie Mod to be appointed on this site.
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YMB @ 17.13 Brexit or Boris, either way you were done well and truly.

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