where did queens victoria's gene for haemophilia come from
well my dears - one er opinion goes like this...
George IV had a daughter Princess Charlotte who married ( the future King of B) some spare German Prince.
And she and bebby died in childbirth ( the obstetrician had left before the birth was complete and woken to be told the Princess was dying from blood less) and he committed suicide. It was the triple tragedy and led to the founding of Queen Charlottes Lying-in Hospital
Now no heir to the British throne
so started the Race of the Princes. All the prince regent's ( kings) brudduzz had to put away their mistresses. ( Wm IV had had TEN children) and try again with wives approved under the Royal Marriages Act.
The Duke of Kent won - and soon after died, ( was it exhaustion?) and the product was Alexandrina Victoria - as heiress presumptive. ( a boy may be granted to one of te others later)
and HE was er 62 I think when he er fathered the Royal Princess ( dirty botch!) and MIGHT have supplied the faulty gene.
so there. No one asked. but hell does anyone else get bored to oblivion by the pages and pages of AB of " foo I said dat fwee weeks ago, I did n'all!" and the answer " no you didernt, so"