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douglas9401 | 10:55 Wed 17th May 2023 | News
16 Answers

Just been reading a report on the BBC website about Albanians being released early and, in some cases, paid to *** off home and this gem caught my eye.

"irregular migration"

I feel a bit ill now, must be all that mealiness.


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All about economics.

It's cheaper to do this and have them leave voluntarily than have a load of left wing liberals (Including SKS) kicking up a fuss and lining their fat lawyer pockets.
From a bit of googling - the FRS scheme has been going since 2013/14. I wonder how much the overall costs have been in 10 years?
It started with Boris when he was mayor, they took the free bus tickets, returned home to see family & friends & then came back again having had a nice little holiday.
Yeah it's a bargain, been happening for about 8 years douggie! A lot cheaper than putting them up in the Ritz for years on benefits whilst Lord Longford types endlessly wring their hands.
Lord Longford has been dead for 22 years :-)
And gromit?

TTT wrote "Lord Longford types" Do you know what he means by adding 'Types'?
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Not the scheme, the terminology.
So (go away Andy!), your more bovvered about a phrase than a scheme which rewards prisoners?
you're (tut)
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The savings are there to be made by shipping out the dregs but let's not call a spade a manually operated device for shallow excavation.
It's still rewarding crime, whichever way you look a tit.
Sorry 'at it'
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You are Les Dawson and I claim my five pounds.
Scottish or English?
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What are you, a London pub landlord?
Gerrada moi pab!

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