Film, Media & TV0 min ago
Since Man has possessed the intellect to think outside himself, he has invented a 'higher power' to give him comfort and reasoning for the things he doesn't understand.
From trees and storms to the sophistication of 'gods', mankind needs something to look up to.
If it wasn't Islam, it would be something similar.
So far as I was aware (and I was not taught this by a religious group, but as a basic 'nuts & bolts of religions' course because in Bfd. all teachers needed to know something about them all) Islam very nearly did not exist.
Mohnammed, having been in his cave and had visions, tried to join up with the Jews, who turned him down, and the younger Christians, who did the same. So he went out on his own to build his religion. (Bfd. R.E. multi-faith paper)
Don't get at me if you think I'm wrong. It's a simplified version of course, but I've not come across anything to say anything different.
Rejection is hard to live with.
Religion, all religion, is collective hysteria.
I genuinely believe that anybody who thinks there's a god has a form of mental illness.
"Tell people there’s an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure.”
the late great George Carlin.
LB at 8.14 - this is why I always felt Corbyn was a word that can't be said on AB - the worst word.
How this clown could call Hamas "friends" when their stated goal is death to Jews, the annihilation of Israel, their hatred of women and their hatred of people who are attracted to the same sex, is utterly beyond my comprehension.
Jews can't help being Jews,women can't help being being, and being gay is as natural as being straight.
They are scumbags of the highest order as are any supporters of them, like the utter and unadulterated scumbag cretin Corbyn.