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Can The Home Secretary Continue?

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ichkeria | 15:18 Thu 09th Nov 2023 | News
45 Answers

She appears to be unsackable. Some wonder if it's either because the PM would rather have her inside the tent watering the garden than in the garden watering the tent. And if she is given the boot at long last it might lose the Tories votes to the Reform Party,  which might very well spell the coup de grace electorally.




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Seems the next election might be a turning point.The English cant wait to get rid of the Tories,us up here in Scotland cant wait to get rid of the SNP.Methinks the Tories and the SNP are playing a cagey game.Methinks both might be still in power after the next election.

I read her views in this article:

and I must say, I agree with everything she said.  More strength to her elbow.  Refreshing change from the noises coming from the likes of Sadiq Khan.

Regretfully (for more reasons than one) I fear the writing is on the wall for the Home Sectetary:

“…but they added Mr Sunak had full confidence in the home secretary.”

Why should the present  sham Tory Prime Minister, bother sacking the present sham Home Secretary. When the whole of this Sham Govt will lose their jobs in the next few months ...Good 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ok.

I wish i could share your optimism gulliver.However i think the numpties in the Tory Party and the numpties in the SNP Party arent going into the twi-light quietly.A few local by-election victories against the Tories and the SNP wont bring down these nationalist parties,sad to say.

I think she's trying to do the right thing but is stymied at every turn.  I think she's becoming frustrated.

She's trying her best, one great problem she faces (apart from the PM) is an apalling set of woke creeps who occupy senior figures in her department, as Priti Patel prevously said of them : "This department is f.. (expletive deleted) useless!".

YFM 18.03 .Surely not even a dyed in the wool Tory could even think of voting Tory after the damage  Johnson ,Truss and Sunak have done to the UK.

Maybe Home Secretary just isn't a job for a woman. 🤣


If prizes were dished out for saying what the unwashed and un-woke are thinking then Suella Braverman would be garlanded in medals and have a mantelpiece groaning with trophies. The Home Secretary scored bullseye of the year when she said that multiculturalism had failed. A couple of weeks later groups of people waving Palestinian flags and dressed in the garb of the Middle East could be seen dancing in the streets of London as news broke of the 7 October pogrom by Hamas: No further questions, your honour.

Since then, she has made utterances that have shot to the top of the news agenda several times more. Demonstrations taking place ostensibly to call for a ceasefire in Gaza but serving as platforms for those who wish to eradicate Israel and wage jihad in the West have been denounced by Braverman without qualification as ‘hate marches’.


Patrick O'Flynn. The Spectator, today

@18.12.Same up here in Scotland,gulliver.The SNP up here in Scotland have done just as much damage to Scotland, just as the Tories have done to England/UK.Time for change methinks.

She's undermined the PM, she's undermined the Met, and the PM has disowned her comments.

The status quo is not sustainable.

She's set herself up as either a PM in waiting or to be thrown into the back benches, depending what Dougie Smith decides.

From my point of view: she's running the Trump playbook, without the Trump charisma ... leaving very little of substance.

Tell you what though, a massive change from her days in Dallas.

The police should not be above criticism. If politicians truly believe the police are making the wrong decision then they have a duty to speak out. I'm sure most sane folk can see two sides to this particular issue.

Aha! Spotted the flaw in your argument, OG.

> The article was not cleared by Downing Street and suggested changes to the text were not followed, No 10 said.

Clearly Sunak does not agree with Braverman. So is there Cabinet collective responsibility, or not?

Imran Hussain resigned from the Labour shadow Cabinet because he disagreed with Keir Starmer's line. So where is Suella Braverman's resignation from Rishi Sunak's Cabinet? Does she have no principles? No need to answer that ...

She should be able to because she speaks the truth but with  our current lemming mentality, she's probably toast.


Are we agreed that she's an 'ideas gal' then, rather than a practical, hands-on type?

Doug... Often, ideas gals are more exciting than hands on. In other words, men are more excited by murmers than tugs.

As long as she annoys and disturbs and distresses Hymie every day of her life for the next hundred years,she gets my vote.

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