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How Rude!!

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Redhelen72 | 15:25 Sat 09th Dec 2023 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

Was on the ferry last night and tried to get the lift down to the car deck as I find stairs difficult.

after waiting ages one finally turned up but when it turned up it was full of elderly people from a coach trip.

someone laughed and said it's full but your young enough to do the stairs especially if you lose some weight!!!

they all found this hilarious much laughter ensued as the doors shut!

when I finally got down they were waiting to get on the coach and one of them said-so you finally made it down and laughed again!

well I got into the car and sobbed.




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You really shouldn't let such nasty unfeeling folk get under your skin Red, they aren't worth it. 


And yes, I agree, very rude indeed.

That's terrible, Helen, some people have no manners. Don't let it upset you, it says more about them than about you x

nil illegitimi carborundum, as they say. There's no answer but to ignore morons. Sorry to hear of your experience, all the same.

Oh no Helen.  How horrible some folk can be.  They are usually old people who do things like this.  Im old myself!! Xxx

I presume you are now home and hope you feel well rested.


Shocking behaviour, don't dwell on it

Why were those lazy beggars using the lift?

I'm so sorry to hear this, as is everyone. I wonder if they were from Saga?

Some people can be really nasty and hurtful  .. probably they had been on a booze cruise.  Chin up Red, xx  Are you home from Islay now?

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I think I was shocked at how rude they were I think it was the surprise that upset me!

if it were a bunch of teenagers I could understand it!

yes left Islay yesterday unfortunately. Pretty stressful journey home as tarbert was shut down for several hours and we didn't think we were going to make the ferry.

Was Mr Red with you at the time?

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No he had gone to see to the hounds 

Says more about the than about you. Best ignored. Only done because there was a group of them - one on his/her own wouldn't have dared

That's a pity. I bet they wouldn't have said anything had you not been alone. 

You meet all sorts in life, Red. Good luck putting the incident behind you. Try not to dwell it any time it opts to pop into your mind. There are better things to think about.

Horrible people.  Next time, snap back "I can lose weight, but you will always be rude *bleep, bleep bleeps*.

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lol was tempted to be really foul mouthed when I met again but I couldn't lol as they were old!

I think I was overly tired yesterday but I have recently had a few experiences with older people 70/80s and was shocked at there behaviour 

So sorry to had to experience this Redhelen, that's despicable behaviour from those who are supposed to be our 'elders and betters'. Horrible for you.

^^ you had to...

red H - I fell  over in the street ( c dog) and a woman pulled a pram over me and hurried off !

Manchester tram, waiting to get off, behind a beery man and his pals - so made it to the door - phew! - and one of his mates thought it as the funniest  thing to put a boot in to shove me off! - laughter followed as the  tram pulled out

Next time, snap back "I can lose weight, but you will always be rude *bleep, bleep bleeps*.

oh I find, " You will all die from cancer!" quietens the most unruly group - as they ponder their fate !

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