ChatterBank1 min ago
Any Thoughts Or Opinion
3.000 hospital admissions per day of obesity related problems. More than 3 times smoking related.
I used to be a very heavy smoker and it took many attempts to stop before I finally cracked it. I struggled for months and felt ill but now the thought of smoking never crosses my mind. No temptation at all.
That's not the case with my weight loss. I have to think about everything I eat, every day. It really is a daily battle and I suspect it always will be. Losing the weight was hard, keeping it off is harder.
So I really do sympathise with everyone trying to lose weight.
Although it pains me to say so, TTT is right. Comsume too many calories, expend too few, result = weight gain.
But junk food is very profitable, so in jump the profiteers who couldn't care less about people's health (profits before people). These people should be taxed to fund the NHS.
And young children shouldn't be mollified with sweets (only this morning on my bus into town there were 3 very young children sucking away on sweet lollipops, and another a bit older stuffing her face with crisps).
We could always bring back the sweet rationing which existed all through my childhood (cue for Righties to start wailing about state interference).
ymb - You are aware of what has caused your increased girth (but not inclined to do much about it, it seems) and seem to believe that this must be true of everyone else.
It is not.
I don't want to put words in the mouth of redhelen, but she has a wealth of experience and knows very well that of which she speaks.
She was not being a 'nasty lefty' (what has politics to do with this, in any case?) when she asked her question - given the subject matter it is completely appropriate.
How do you break the habit of eating? you don't, you can't for obvious reasons. I don't believe for one second that anyone who is well over weight don't get why they are so. The very first step to being more healthy for anyone who is, is to cut down on how much they eat, or what they eat. Any habit you may have be it eating or otherwise needs to be tackled slowly put surely. Any sudden stop you will fail every time.
Just to add, back in the 60s if there was one, or even two fat kids in the whole of the school everyone else was amazed, it was a big talking point then only because you didn't see such very offten. Just take a look at the kids coming out of school now, or out and about in town, we are flooded with over weight kids, and not just by a little.
JTT: "She was not being a 'nasty lefty' (what has politics to do with this, in any case?) when she asked her question - given the subject matter it is completely appropriate." - so you thought YMB was suggesting giving up eating too? Right Oh! YMB, looks like you'd better use simpler writing in future.
"How do you break the habit of eating youngmafbog".
It defintely was a bit of a smartarse comment, because it was obvious what ymb meant. Of course people cannot stop eating, they have no choice in the matter, but they absolutely do have a choice in what and how much they're eating.
The vast vast majority of fat people are fat because they eat too much and move too little - it really is as simple as that. Yes there are those that have illnesses that can contribute to fatness, but they are so massively in the minority as to be statistically irrelevant.
I'm exagerrating to make a point, but I'm one of those people who only has to smell a cheeseburger to put on weight, so I'm careful of what I eat and exercise most days, with a cheeseburger being a treat rather than a staple. The trouble is, for many fat people, cheeseburgers (insert any other junk food) are a staple.
Until fat people stop considering themselves victims, and parts of society stop enabling this mindset, we stop glamourising being fat, such as putting the morbdily obese Tess Holliday on the cover of magazines, and stop using silly phrases like 'plus-sized', the problem will continue.
I also was a very heavy smoker from age seven ( yes seven!!!) I was cashiered from the Wolf Cubs having been caught smoking my pack of five Woodbine with a penny book match by Barloo in the churchyard after a pack meeting.Fast forward about 50 years and I was shamed into stopping the weed by a pre-op nurse who called me some rude names and read me the riot act.I was selfish and a waste of the NHS reources etc etc if I didn't stop before my first invasive major surgery was due.I stopped there and then where nicotine patches failed. I told my self I could always light up again post op. Ridiculous notion and glad I didn't as I reasoned this may not be my last surgery and would only have to stop again. I was correct.
Likewise about 4 years ago I was sitting on the tarmac at Luqqa airport after a particularly indulgent all-inclusive Christmas and New Year in Malta. The seat belt was a little tight to say the least and I didn't want to shame myself by asking the stewardess for a extension. When I got home I was horrified to see I weighed just South of 20 stone. I had never been near that weight in my life and decided to do something quickly about it. First thing was to give up booze and then watch what I eat. I stuck with this regimen for just over the year and stopped when I reached 12st.7lbs. I was happy with that but had to buy a new wardrobe. Well worth it though.
JTT: "
If your addiction is can't give up eating!!
And that is the point redhelen was making." - no she didn't she was making a smart aris comment to try and make another aber look silly. It's obvious that you cannot stop eating in the same way as you can stop smoking, so obvious that it doesn't need saying. This was just a bit of trolling, simples.