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We all know why this murderous bastrad wasnt detained ages ago,the same as the Muslim paedophile rape gangs were ignored for years.The cops were afraid of being branded racists.Strange days in the UK nowadays.
22:12 Thu 25th Jan 2024

What previous crimes?  There are none mentioned in the article.  This article from the Sun actually stated that he had no criminal record  https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22692037/nottingham-attack-suspect/

He caused devastation to three families and for that he may spend the rest of his life in a psychiatric hospital. 

I don't see any mention of 'previous crimes', TTT?

He's a murderer.

The system is broken. 

There is a difference between being Mentally Ill and being a criminal.  He was convicted of no crimes.

Your narrow-mindedness continues to amaze me.

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Tell that to the families of the victims Wolf I'm sure you'll go down a treat with them.

Mental illness or not he murdered 3 people.

Mentally ill  criminal. 

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"An assessment under the Mental Health Act 1983 was carried out at a Nottingham custody suite by psychiatric services, who concluded that Calocane was psychotic but that his risk to others was low." - well then the assessor is clueless.

Not a great advertisement for Nottingham's psychiatric services who "concluded that Calocane was psychotic but that his risk to others was low."

Being psychotic doesn't automatically make you dangerous.

I do agree that he should have received better psychiatric treatment, at least to ensure that he took his medication.  Anti-psychotic medication is horrible and many people refuse to take it.

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The bloke is clearly batsheet crazy so put him where he can do no harm FGS! Why was it necessary to let him snuff out 3 innocents before the state acts? Sadly they'll probably let him out a again in few years. Madness.

Terrible decision by Prosecutors to accept Manslaughter plea.He took a decision to buy a knife and went out to kill.Manslaughter is surely when a fight in the street and one is punched falls hits his head on the kerb and dies as a result.

Broadmoor beckons I hope for life.

He should have an unfortunate accident that ends his useless existence.

TTT - This man killed people because he is a paranoid schizphrenic, not because he is a Muslim.

Your obsession with trying to find links between Islam and violence are becoming tediously obsessive.

Read your own link - there is no reference to his faith, only to his diagnosed mental condition.

For once, religion is not the cause of this tragedy, and only a blinkered obsessive like you would even attempt to create a link that patently does not exist outside your one-track imagination.

ANDY, I see no mention of Muslims or Islam.

Have you mis-read "TROB" as "TROP"?

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12:17, I have not mentioned Muslims/Islam in this post, it is you that seems obsessed me old china.

Corby - //

ANDY, I see no mention of Muslims or Islam.

Have you mis-read "TROB" as "TROP"? //

I have no time for TTT's constant use of his own patented anacronyms, if I am in error, and you can be bothered, please feel free to enlighten me.

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12:43, well you've never had any problem with TROB in the past, Come on grow a pair own up you did exactly what you accuse me of.

"TROB" is The Right-On Brigade

"TROP" is The Religion Of Peace which is a reference to Islam

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