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gulliver1 | 10:46 Sat 10th Feb 2024 | News
81 Answers

Ex Pats can now vote in the UK General Elections thanks to the Tory  Party ,who changed the law for this to happen thinking it would bring more votes to help their ailing party. But it looks like it's going to rebound on them.. There are millions of expats who have  vowed to get their revenge on the Tories for Brexit and how it  has changed their lives abroad.   Woo Hoo..🤣🤣 Lol




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TTT, Agatha Christie students are surplus to requirements.  If people register under a name, unless they tell you otherwise, that is the name you should use when speaking to them.  I'm a bit of a soft touch, so you're lucky it was me who spotted it.  Other mods may well have had you dangling for the weekend.  Now sort yourself out with this sort of thing, there's a good chap. You are awful ... but I like you.  ;o)

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This was a big big mistake by the Tory Party giving the vote back to expats, they even made it an election pledge in their 2019 Election Manifesto. Couldn't the Dumb Con Club see it would come back to bite the Tories in a painful place Because of Brexit..Bet it was the Chief Tory Clown who suggested it. You know who I mean ...he who can't tuck his shirt in.

Maybe this time...but if it's the right thing to do then it should be done. But you are only guessing how expats will vote this time. In the longer term, who knows.

why would anyone even want a vote in country they hate so much they won't even live there? I mean I know the standard lefties hate the country but at least they live here.

Should be, "No representation without taxation !"

I'm sure that's the rallying cry.

TTT 14 .54  - it's just contrariness, they are so bored with their lives abroad they just have to meddle with affairs back here. It's sad really.

gulliver: "This was a big big mistake by the Tory Party giving the vote back to expats, they even made it an election pledge in their 2019 Election Manifesto. " - once again you demonstrate your lack of brains. Do you know how it's going to work? The expats have to register in the last constituancy they can show they have a connection with. That means a few thousand at most spread over all the constituencies. In other words it makes no difference.

Gulliver still refuses to answer questions put to him

TORATORATORA, "The expats have to register in the last constituancy they can show they have a connection with. That means a few thousand at most spread over all the constituencies. In other words it makes no difference."

"The Government estimated in its Impact Assessment for the Elections Bill 2021-22 that there are between roughly 3.2 million and 3.4 million British nationals living overseas who would become eligible to vote if 15-year limit was scrapped."

I'm pretty sure potentially 3.4 million additional voters is a fair bit more than a few thousand.

If I was an expat living abroad permanently I wouldn't bother with the rigmarole of voting in a UK GE. (Blimey I live here & can't be bothered!)

Lotus Eaters:

//causing the inhabitants to sleep in peaceful apathy. After they ate the lotus, they would forget their home and loved ones and long only to stay with their fellow lotus-eaters. Those who ate the plant never cared to report or return.//

15:36, I doubt many will bother registering. I'd think it a bit of cheek if it was me. Why would you want to vote in a country that you don't even want to live in?

I've said before, that I didn't vote in the referendum because I didn't think it would make the slightest difference to ordinary folk, us plebs, the hoi-polloi, the great unwashed. I still think that.

JR: "

Surely two of the criteria for getting a vote on who runs this country should be:

- Living in the UK.

- Paying taxes in the UK."

agreed I would also add:

- Net contributor to the UK

^^^Does that apply to all Tories and their partners, TTT?

"I'm pretty sure potentially 3.4 million additional voters is a fair bit more than a few thousand."

Indeed it is. But whilst I accept it is unlikely that they would be evenly spread over all the constituencies, it is a little over 5,000 per constituency on average.

But of course the biggest factor which the OP has failed to grasp, is that his idea that all of them, or even a significant majority, would vote for a party other than the Conservatives,is fanciful.

For the overwhelming majority of ex-Pats living in the EU, Brexit has made no significant difference to their lives whatsoever (in the same way as it has made no significant difference to the lives of most EU citizens settled here). They are not "on the Brexit front line", the 90 day rule does not affect them if they have settled EU status, it is unlikely that "draconian work restrictions" (if indeed they exist) will trouble them as many of them are retired; and there have been no "long passport queues" due to Brexit that I have encountered or heard of either here or in the EU. For them, Brexit is largely a non-issue.

As a result, they are far more likely to vote (if they bother at all) along the traditional lines they did before they left the UK. Many of them are likely to be reasonably well off, having become so under the many Tory policies that enabled them to keep some of their own money. They may therefore be far less likely to vote Labour than gulliver believes.

//Ex Pats can now vote in the UK General Elections thanks to the Tory  Party ,who changed the law for this to happen thinking it would bring more votes to help their ailing party.//

No it wasn't due to the Tories is was brought about by the tireless efforts over 20 years by Harry Shindler; 'Anzio veteran and winner of a campaign for expats to vote in UK elections' who recently died aged 101, having taken his fight to the ECHR  .


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Newjudge 15.56. Are you living in LA-LA Land  ? Just checking that you haven't lost the plot ...are you OK ?.

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Khandro 16.27 I was the Tories who jumped on the band wagon of Harry Shindler to save their necks. Just like Boris jumped on the Band wagon of Brexit for personal gain.Looks like both have failed.

Whether it's one extra vote or millions, one extra vote from an ex-pat could mean the difference between one party winning a seat or not winning it.


That one seat could then make the difference between having a majority of MPs or no and being asked to form the next government.

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