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gulliver1 | 20:29 Mon 11th Mar 2024 | News
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The Cons biggest donor has said that looking at Diane Abbott makes you want to hate all black women and is saying she should be shot. Frank Hester who has given the Tory party £10m certainly supporting the Nasty Party then.  What a nasty person . He definitely is a Tory supporter then. 



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I hear comments like this every week in the pub and at work, the comments are treated as what they are, a joke.


Maybe you should stop drinking with stupid fat white *** (only joking mate).


Saying it to mates in the pub when we are not in the public eye is one thing. It's always unwise for  someone in the public eye or a senior position to say any of these things when there's an audience. I'm puzzled as to why it's taken since 2019 for this to be revealed though

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Surely there is some sort of law being broken here with what this Tory Idiot is spouting He hates all Black women and saying "Abbot should be shot."  "you just want to hate all black women because she is there" This awfull man should be brought to book for what he has said in public.   But he won't be of course

Entirely irrelevent? 

Its all about the close knit crony gang looking after each other, plus the fact thats how threads play out and progress.

Are we discussing the same Dianne Abbot who,along with her late crony,Bernie Grant claimed the 'police got a bloody good hiding' at the Broadwater Farm Estate riots just after PC Keith Blakelock was hacked to death by a savage machete wielding gang whilst attempting to protect Fire Brigade members who had come under attack. Yes lovely woman and to think she was Labour's choice of shadow home secretary.

^^ Either way, to wrongs don't make a right however you care to twist and turn such.

He said it years ago and even if he meant it do you you realise that we ALL, including you Gulliver, had all the nasty things we've ever said about other human beings in our lifetimes recorded and published we would ALL be very nasty horrible people. 

^ We are not allowed to speak such nasty words on a public stage, if he had said such on AB it would have been deleted,but because he his a cah crony he gets away with it as gulliver pointed out. Sunak is wasting the millions he is now pumping into anti social behaver, he needs to stamp it out on his own ground first, because the words of this cash crony could spark another riot like the ones Retro has just spoken about above. Also when you consider the present charges a police officer is facing at the moment, it could well add up to another ugly riot?

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Naomi @ 08.46"This happend  five years ago"

Prudie@ 11.23 "He said it five years ago"

But it is now todays News switch your TV on OK.

Why would I want to switch on my television, gulliver?  I've posted a link to BBC news which is only three hours old so right up to date.  Not only don't you post links - you clearly don't bother to read them either.  It's no surprise you get yourself in such a pickle.

It was a stupid thing to say , if for no other  additional reason it gives gulliver and his twin alter ego nicebloke  a stick to beat the tories with thus feeding their endless obsessive rants


Is suspect that wasn't the gentleman's prime intend, more to have a laugh with like-minded chaps.


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Mr NiceBloke @ 11.43 If he had said such a thing on AB it would have been deleted . If I had said it on AB I would have been Banned.

The strange thing about this story is - why would seeing Dianne Abbott on telly make you want to hate all black women???


That literally doesn't make sense.

Do people see (say) Ant & Dec and feel a hatred for all Geordies?

What's the thought process?

Re: drmorgan's point...and this is a genuine unloaded question...when a friend says something racist - do white people say nothing generally or do you pull your mates up on it?

No subtext - I'm really interested.

perhaps this should be a Chatterbank thing but this story suggests it. 

Not saying that anyone here is a "likeminded person".

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Rosetta "alter ego" is a banned word on Ab

I'm sure MrNicebloke knows all about being banned, gulliver.

Quite right, someone saying that would be banned( but could reappear), but it can still cause hurt. What's been said can't be unsaid.  The Tories should return the nasty man's money. I'm sure it will be replaced.



I think it depends on the severity and the context. If someone had said the things Mr Hester is alleged to have done then yes, I'd have said something. If it's something less hateful, then maybe not so much, or a "I don't think you can say that" in response.

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