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Photo Id For Voting

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Hopkirk | 21:41 Thu 02nd May 2024 | News
29 Answers

Did you remember that you have to produce photo ID to vote today?


Boris didn't. He was turned away.



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you can't expect him to remember every law he's passed, as we already knew.

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the Guardian has generously allowed you to read it for free (ignore the old URL, they've obviously just put a new intro on an old story)

Brilliant. 😆 Still right on the ball isn't he. We need to stop undesirable slackers from voting, and this is proof that the new ID rules are working.

actually, so has the Telegraph, if there's a paywall it must be a glass one

A deliberate publicity-seeking stunt.

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They need to sort out postal voting first, that seems to be far more open to abuse

Please explain how Rosetta.

There was a case in london where someone was prosecuted for postal vote rigging and no I cant be bothered to trawl through google to find it. Anecdotably there have been examples of same name postal voting fraud and where groups have been told who to vote for and for mass votes to be collected and delivered on the instruction of others.

I am not against people voting for "unusual" candidates, in fact Screaming  Lord Sutch first stood in my local constituency but I am against our hard fought democracy being highjacked for other political agendas 

Between 2019 and 2023, there were 1,462 cases of alleged electoral fraud reported to the police. Out of these cases, 10 led to convictions and police issued 4 cautions.

Additionally, since 1998, there have only been 9 (NINE) convictions for postal vote fraud, which is a rate of less than one every two years.

Not as much a cause for concern as many seem to believe.

ROSETTA, there might well be anecdotal reports of postal voting fraud but this is from the Electoral Commission.

"In the past 5 years, there is no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud.

Of the 1,462 cases of alleged electoral fraud reported to police between 2019 and 2023, 10 led to convictions and the police issued 4 cautions.

Most cases either resulted in the police taking no further action or were locally resolved by the police issuing words of advice."

//Please explain how Rosetta.//

Spoiler alert ..

She couldn't.

He probably couldn't believe his government enacted the ridiculous law; especially since the postal option was left untouched. Or perhaps he was making a point on how it doesn't work well.

"where groups have been told who to vote for "

this isn't fraud

i don't understand the bit that comes after 

the reason that tories don't like postal voting has nothing to do with alleged fraud... they don't like it because they think postal voters are less likely to vote conservative. if they did then the tories wouldn't care a fig about fraud. 

"A deliberate publicity-seeking stunt."


Damned auto-correct! 😏

On the polling card it says "you need photo id to vote" so assuming one reads said card ...

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I'm not sure why anyone thinks postal voting is more likely to be a Tory thing. It's odd because while postal voting is open to abuse it's arguably a necessity whereas photo id isn't, not that I'm against either. And if you forget your id you can always er go back and get it as er some people appear to have done 😂

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