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Israel Bombs Another Safe Zone

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Untitled | 14:10 Tue 28th May 2024 | News
43 Answers

a tent city of refugees in rafah has been bombed by israel after it was designated a safe area for refugees... a huge number of the victims appear to have been children. some footage from the bombing shared by PBS shows babies that have had their heads blown off

the IDF claims that the strike was intended to target two hamas leaders... the prime minister called it a "technical failure" and a "tragic mistake"

what are civilian refugees in gaza supposed to do when israel keeps bombing safe zones? does the IDF simply want to kill them all?



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While the Israelis have the support of the USA they'll ignore condemnation from the rest of the world.

And there are plenty of useful idiots who support them by claiming all was peace and tranquility before Oct 7th.


looks like another BOBB fest!

All started by the Hamas terrorists on 7th October,sandy.All these babies and kiddies deaths are all down to these Hamas terrorists.No terrorist attack on 7th October and all these people dead would still be living.

The strike on the refugee camp was unacceptable.  Such actions will diminish the international support that Israel has.

It didn't start on the 7th of October - the current fighting intensified on that date due to the actions of Hamas.  Israel was right to retaliate against Hamas for the murder of civilians proportionally.   They are, instead, attempting to eradicate all Palestinians.


Why no mention of the Hamas rockets that were fired into Tel Aviv that Israel was retaliating to the night before this happened.

@14.42.We all know that it didnt start on 7th October,wolf,but prior to that it was minor skirmishes(Hamas terrorists killing Jews,Jews killing Hamas terrorists).The Hamas terrorists brought this down on their own people and children.The Hamas terrorists have all these victims blood on their own and on their own hands only.

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"Why no mention of the Hamas rockets that were fired into Tel Aviv that Israel was retaliating to the night before this happened."

it is mentioned in the link but if you are asking why i didn't wrote those words in the OP it is because i don't think that retaliation can possibly justify launching airstrikes on defenceless children

It didnt seem to bother the Palestinians when they murdered a lot of children at the music festival on 7th October Untitled.Are Jewish children less worthy than Palestinian children?

Out of interest Untitled, if the Hamas rockets had not been intercepted by the Israelis and they had killed children in Israel would you have put something on condemning that too.

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i do not believe there is any cause in the world which can justify the killing of noncombatants and especially children. but as usual all you can say is "what about" "what about". we hear a great deal about the atrocities committed by hamas and rightly so... and yet the IDF has committed the equivalent several times over and apparently that is acceptable to both the UK government and a group of UK citizens. i don't think it is me which is placing more value on some lives than others. 

If "we all know it didn't start on 7th October" why do you keep repeating that statement?

When Hamas come out from behind their human shields.....

(& still holding hostages - if they are alive)

Yet you seem to think that Palestinian children take precedence over Jewish children Untitled.Both these sets of kiddies deaths lie ultimately on the hands of the Hamas terrorists.

Most normal thinking people would think a music festival was a safe zone until hamas had other ideas.

//Untitled.Are Jewish children less worthy than Palestinian children?//


Of course not, but with the indifference many have here to Palestinian casualties, I certainly don't see the lives of Palestinian children being held in the same esteem as Israelis.

TTT can you explain what "HSHSIB" and "BOBB" stand for?

Oh,come off it mozz.All these children would still be alive if the Hamas terrorists hadnt started this war.Blame the Hamas terrorists first and foremost mozz.

No, show empathy towards the innocent deaths on BOTH SIDES first and foremost.

16:04: I'm guessing that HSHSIB means "Hamas Should Have Stayed In Bed" but I've no idea what BOBB means. Probably another slur at anyone who disagrees with him.

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