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Israel Bombs Another Safe Zone

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Untitled | 10:07 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
12 Answers

american made bombs dropped on people huddled in tents because they suspect a terrorist who arranged the october 7th attacks was in the area. 

is it acceptable kill 90 civilians including children and mutilate hundreds more in order to get a terrorist? surely that is exactly the logic that hamas uses-that killing civilians is acceptable for their cause? 



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That damn Hamas, stay in bed Oct 7th, none of this happens. When are you trobiscites going to learn.

They're doing their level best to lose their protected species status.

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and if israel did not occupy and oppress gaza, then october 7th would not have happened either. 

"is it acceptable kill 90 civilians including children and mutilate hundreds more in order to get a terrorist? " - so you accept they are terrorists then, that's start:

is it acceptable to hide among women and children?

10:10 Gaza was left alone as an autonomous region, Hamas blew all that.

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I have never said otherwise toratoratora. hamas are a terrorist organisaton... which is why it was very unwise for the israelis to pour money and support into them.

no it is not right for such people to use civilians as human shields. but the idea that you should just blow them all up anyway and kill everyone is surely wrong isn't it? 

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it was not an autonomous region tora. it was still under occupation and blockade. 

Have a day off, Hamas were running the show with the approval if Israel, you said so yourself.

Kill the lot of them, end of.


Isn't the whole point to pressurise Hamas to release the hostages?

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why are israeli snipers available to shoot at civilians and medical staff in a hospital but not available to shoot rafa salama? 

"most humane army in the world" my foot!

Hamas instigated this conflict, they know that while they hold hostages Israel will continue to fight and if they cared anything about the plight of the civilian population they wouldn't be hiding among them.  Shamefully dead people are good publicity for Hamas.  It's what produces flag-waving.

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Israel Bombs Another Safe Zone

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