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Three Days In....

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10ClarionSt | 09:27 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

....and I'm sick of hearing Labour talk about "the mess left by the Tories". I voted labour. Delighted they won, but just get on with it! We know about all the gubbins from the last 14 years. Stop looking backwards, because you're gonna trip up if you don 't look forward. 



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you'll  be hanging them in parliament square before the end of the week! 😁
09:29 Mon 08th Jul 2024

you'll  be hanging them in parliament square before the end of the week! 😁

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Now that's gotta be the BA, right there! 😄 Luv it! 😄 

I'm waiting for your first reference to Keir the clown!

I'm going to give them a  chance. All governments (like new football managers) say this. Most new governments get the benefit of the doubt and end up getting re-elected for a second term

1964 - Healey and Callaghan, going on about 14 years Tory misrule....

(who healey an who callaghan? den etc)

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Whatever anyone thinks of Starmer, he aint no clown. He won't be going round taking the ssip out of the country like Bojo the Clown did. And he was only doing it for a bet with his Bullingdon Buddies to see how far he could go with his antics and how much he could get away with. A complete R S. 

I dread to think of the mess we'll all be in four years from now. 

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You mean you think it could get worse than Johnson, Truss, Soonaxed etc?

i don't care for starmer at all but i thought lisa nandy's speech as she took over the culture ministry was excellent. a much more positive and inspiring attitude toward this country and its cultural assets than the invidious and spiteful culture war rubbish spouted by nadine dorries et al. i thought it was exactly what a culture minister should sound like and found it very refreshing!

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