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Russia And Nato

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Paul22118 | 15:41 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
5 Answers

I pose the question in relation to the constant bombing of Ukraine by Russia.  IF, Ukraine was given entry into the Alliance tomorrow, would the rest of NATO come to their boots on the ground type aid?



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It is precisely why that scenario won't happen. NATO comes to the aid of an attacked member nation, not a new one already in a conflict.
17:49 Tue 09th Jul 2024

Only the death or targeted assassination of the fascist Putin can stop this war.With Putin gone the world might breath a sense of relief,just as the death of Hitler did at the end of WW2.

He would be replaced, and probably by someone worse.

Isn't that a bit like joining the AA after you've broken down on the motorway?

Who would replace him?I think he has murdered all his friends and enemies.

It is precisely why that scenario won't happen. NATO comes to the aid of an attacked member nation, not a new one already in a conflict.

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Russia And Nato

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