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"A Targeted Incident..."

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sandyRoe | 13:08 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

Words used by a police spokesman to describe the violent deaths of three women.

The police stated that the suspect may be armed with a crossbow.

Could he have been a bit more careful in his choice of words?



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You seem to be on a roll with taking offence dont you.


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I'm working almost single handed to keep AB going and this is the thanks I get.

The words seem fine to me.

How would you have phrased it, Sandy?  It conveys the victims eere not random people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time 


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We feel at this time there is no threat to anyone else.  That would be reassuring to locals

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13:24 perlease!

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sounds like the wife and daughters of the same guy. I'd say that is targetted.

It's reported they're the wife and daughters of a BBC horse racing commentator.

someone has his alans in a brahms above.

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It seems it was an ex-boyfriend - or so the Daily Mail says.   

Imagine losing your whole family in such a horrible way.

> The three women killed in a crossbow attack in Bushey, near Watford, are Carol Hunt, the wife of BBC Racing radio commentator John Hunt, and two of their daughters

> The victims are aged 25, 28 and 61, police say

> Police are continuing their manhunt for suspect Kyle Clifford, 26, and have appealed directly for him to make contact

> They believe the attack was targeted and carried out with a crossbow, as well as possibly other weapons


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