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Just When You Think You've Seen The Zenith Of Human Idiocy.....

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ToraToraTora | 23:14 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

...really should not ever see the light of day again.



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zenith = height, height of idiocy. Pratt.

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This is a serious heart breaking story and we still have captain codswallop trying to derail.

Terrible.  At that speed I'm amazed he survived.

I'm surprised at the leniency of the sentence.

Two years ago the maximum sentence for causing death by dangerous driving was increased from 14 years to Life imprisonment. It seems this creature was given a determinate sentence of 17 years. This means he will be out in eight (and probably less than that as various schemes are being cooked up to empty the prisons). If he had been given Life with a minimum of 17 years, he would have served all of that before being considered for release.

At least his driving ban of 21 years should remain intact. I have heard it said (though purely apocryphally) that such drivers have some difficulty passing their extended re-test when they apply to start driving again. Whether this is due to their lack of ability or other reasons (such as the examiner receiving "advice") I don't know.



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Why don't they just ban them for life anyway judge?

I agree, he should be in prison for a very long time and never have a driving licence again. His attitude is truly shocking 

No idea, Tora.

In this case a ban for life would be perfectly justified. But it seems with all sentencing, tthe miscreant must be given "hope" for the future. This odious piece of exrement deserves no such privilege.

Well now we know the value of a life, weak sentencing, only to get worse.  Low life should be in Jail for proper life - then it would also be a driving ban for life.

Country is going to the dogs.

If he'd used a knife he would have got life. Use a car and get away with it.

Would he though Gromit?


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