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Biden Makes Terrible Mistake

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Rosetta | 23:30 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | News
84 Answers

Just watched Joe Biden introducing Pres  Zelensky as  Pres Putin at end of NATO press conference

Surely he must step down

Sorry Breaking news so no link.




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It's pathetic that out of a population of over 340 million people, the best they can do is an old confused man and a pathological liar and convicted criminal.
00:24 Fri 12th Jul 2024

Goodness, he could not have called him by a worse name. He's not fit for office.

Why can't the US take a lesson from the UK . When Britain had a Barm pot leader elected in 2019. His Own party threw him out ..Thank god

Biden is always making mistakes, but he has his team behind him to explain to him what he really meant.

untitled: "he also has his finger on our nuclear button let's face it" - usual anti British BS from the in house commie I see. Where does this lefty fantasy come from?

09.28 ....😎One nil ......😎,,,,,End of😎

Let's go Brandon!!

from the fact that our nuclear weapons are leased from another country, hosted on the vessels of another country and the warheads made to the specifications of another country and is reliant on the technology of another country to work. our "nuclear deterrent" is independent in name only.

rubbish, more anti british BS, they are not leased. Trident subs are built on the clyde, we buy the ammo from the US. We have the codes. Why do you lefty types persist with this fantasy?

^^^ and that is probably written by your 5C mates.

our missiles oddly do not require codes to launch and yes they are leased for ridiculous amounts of money that goes straight to the US. our submarines are carbon copies of US ones and require use of American GPS and targeting software etc - if they switch that off then our subs are bricked and can't do anything. the uk's nukes are not independent. 

We lease the actual missile but the warheads are British. We have the codes. If the US turned off their GPS it would do more damage to the US than a Nuke strike anyway. Our subs are fitted with both systems. Stop it with the BS.

they can deny access to GPS and targeting software at will, i am not talking about turning off the whole system. it is true that we make warheads but now do that to exacting american specifications. do you honestly think the USA is in the habit of leasing missiles without retaining control over them? that's not how america does things. our nukes are not independent.

As TTT says, the warheads are completely British. They are designed and manufactured just down the road from us. Warhead design is something we do not share with anybody.

So we have gone from Biden having his finger on our button to the only way they can stop us using them is to turn off the GPS! Right oh! Do you seriously think we'd operate with a system that could be turned off by a foriegn power? You're deluded me old china.

What happened to the last Nuclear missile that Britain tried to launch in practice, from a Royal Navy submarine .? It went PLOP right in front of the now defunct Defence minister Grant Shapps of the Tory party....remember them?

yes i do think that because that is exactly what we do. 

"Warhead design is something we do not share with anybody."

our current warheads are called Holbrooks. they are just copies of the American W76. we have been using american designs to make "our" warheads since 1958.

Help from the Americans  is no different now to how it was during WW2. If it hadn't have been for the Americans and other Allies  you would all be wearing jack boots even now.

Untitled - I'm glad you think so. It means we're keeping our secrets secret.

oh bless lol. the terms of US-UK nuclear co operation agreement have been published for more than thirty years. they supply us the designs and we make them and slap another name on it. those are your "british" warheads. 

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