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Biden Makes Terrible Mistake

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Rosetta | 23:30 Thu 11th Jul 2024 | News
84 Answers

Just watched Joe Biden introducing Pres  Zelensky as  Pres Putin at end of NATO press conference

Surely he must step down

Sorry Breaking news so no link.




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It's pathetic that out of a population of over 340 million people, the best they can do is an old confused man and a pathological liar and convicted criminal.
00:24 Fri 12th Jul 2024

There you go then Rosetta.  Utitled 11.16 for Best Answer.

untitled: So the only way US could stop us firing is by turning off the GPS? Right oh! Hardly control! ....You know we'd get round that anyway, like we have with every code in history. We are the masters of getting round things.

The trouble with this type of illness is that judgement is one of the first things to go.

That's assuming he is ill, of course.

But his stubbornness isn't helping his party or the country.

//That's assuming he is ill, of course.//

Well all I can say is that his actions are very like a now late familly member. It's not a nice thing to witness and at some point will accelerate.

He should be in nice retirement enjoying the few years he has left.

I was thinking the same about a deceased family member.

Very sad.

13:06 I suspect he'd love to stand down but apparently his trouble and strife loves being FLOTUS! So er indoors is probably driving the agenda.

as is the way of most marriages :)

He's toast in November versus Trump in any case.  I think the current pressure from Democrats to replace him is because they know they will lose.

I don't know about demetia,but I read somewhere the other day that he has...or looks like he has...Parkinsons. He also has a stutter which obviously affects his speech.

Tbh, I'm feeling rather sorry for him. On an American site I go on, people will still vote for blue! keep Trump out.

Yep the old pin the right coloured (or colored) rosstte on a donkey and it will get some votes.

The thing is though most swing voters (in any country) go for whta they think they will get out of it.  Love him or loath him many (of all ethnicities) did well under him last time despite the mean tweets.

"So the only way US could stop us firing is by turning off the GPS?"

and the targeting software, and every other american-supplied software that our submarines rely on. they could brick our submarines this second if you want. and once again our missiles do not use codes to launch. 

you appear to be quite poorly informed on the subject of british nuclear weapons toratoratora. i would suggest that the following articles might teach you a thing or two.

The point is that you said earlier that Biden had his finger in our button. Now you say they'd have to resort to sabotage! Bit of reversal wouldn't you say?

the point i was making is that Biden controls the UK's nuclear weapons, which he does. the US supplies the design and many components of our warheads, ditto the submarines, leases the missiles to us and effectively has final say over whether or not they are fired. they control our nukes, we just sail them around with a union flag painted on. 

untitled: "the point i was making is that Biden controls the UK's nuclear weapons, which he does." - no he does not, they are a supplier we are the customer that's all

"the US supplies the design and many components of our warheads, ditto the submarines, leases the missiles to us and effectively has final say over whether or not they are fired." - no they do not, you just said above that the only way they could stop us firing them is by some sort of sabotage of the systems they use.

"they control our nukes, we just sail them around with a union flag painted on. " - That's your anti British streak shinning through.

"they are a supplier we are the customer that's all"

my sweet child of summer... that isn't how it works

That's exactly how the supplier customer relationship works. You don't buy a car and let the manufacturer tell you how to drive it.

ok. imagine if the manufacturer forces you to buy the car and to renew your purchase of the car every 10 years (and pay them huge amounts of money for it every time), same manufacturer sells you all of the fuel and components necessary for driving the car, forces you to join a political alliance concerning how cars are driven (and makes you pay for that too), owns every car park in the country and also has a stake in your house, and can shut down your car remotely at a moment's notice if you use it in a way that they disapprove of. 

not the same thing at all. 

you're in 5C dream land me old china.

as expected. pure ignorance. 🙄

As expected pure anti British. You just spout your BS to give youself some sort of gratification.

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