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Bbc Quiz : Week 28

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Buenchico | 20:03 Fri 12th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

Good evening, once again!


A lousy week for me in the quizzes, with just a pathetic ONE out of seven in the main quiz


. . . and only a 'middling' THREE out of five in the junior version:


So you should ALL do a lot better than me this week!


Your turn, anyway!



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2/7,4/5, am being stared at by Puss Puss and Bailey who are wondering when the human is going to share a little bit of the chicken salad....but I don't think it's the lettuce they want.Hope all is good with you and yours.

Evening, Chris

4-7 and 2-5.

Guesses are good

Question Author

Well done on beating me, twice over, Campbellking! (Not that it was exactly difficult this week though!).

If Puss and Bailey are only staring at you, you're lucky.  Chequers' and Tablo's preferred technique is to try to steal food directly from my plate as I'm eating it!

We're all fine, thank you.  I hope that you, PP & B will all have a lovely week!

Question Author

Well done, Sandy!

(At least I'm a bit more childlike than you this week though!)

Evening Chris.






Hope this finds you well  ; ))

3 and 3 โ˜น๏ธ

1/7 v 2/7

3/5 v 4/5

Just wish it would stop raining, my garden is soo greeeen.

Hope you're a bit drier over there in the east country and you know who can enjoy the great outdoors as well as you.   ๐Ÿคจ

Question Author

Well done on edging ahead of me on both quizzes, Sam!

(I'm well thanks, as I hope that you are too!)


Everybody (except me, of course!) seems to be scoring an aggregate of 6 this week, Scorpiojo!  


Yet another 6 total!  Well done, Haras2!  

It's raining here at the moment, which is no great change from much of the rest of the week!

I hope that you'll get some favorable weather soon!

4/7 & 4/5

Question Author

Top of the tree, as usual, Lie-in King!

Well done!

Not for long, I think, Buen...

Pathetic 1/7 and 1/5.  Too many football questions is my excuse!

I have it on excellent authority (BBC) that it will be dry here tomorrow. Yippee!

Question Author

It's a very low-scoring week though, Lie-in King!



I don't feel so bad now!  ๐Ÿ˜Š

Any time Chris!

Question Author

You must have shoved all of your rain over our way then, Haras2!

1 and 2. Oh dear!

Good Evening, Chris!

Not great scores for me this week

2/7, 2/5

Family and I were planning a drive out to a large garden centre earlier today where we intended to have a meal. Sadly after a long journey we discovered they had had to close due to having no electricity. We were getting very hungry at that point but luckily did eventually manage to find a lovely new restaurant with gorgeous views.

Hoping you and the terrific trio are doing great and wishing you all a wonderful week ahead :-)

Oh dear!  :(  Wish I hadn't bothered.   

Same as you Buen... 1/7 but an even worse 2/5.  I'll slink off to bed and weep quietly into my pillow......  :(  :(

Question Author

Good evening, Clover!

You're the second person to improve my mood this evening ๐Ÿ˜Š


. . . and you're the third, Jourdain2! ๐Ÿ˜‰

(Don't go to bed though.  Look for a corkscrew instead!)

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The same aggregate as me then, Karamia!  So it seems that I'm in good company after all!

I'm glad that your day turned out well in the end.  (I generally find the food in garden centre restaurants to be 'quite good' but, at the same time, 'nothing really special' either).

The Bonkers Bunch and I are all fine, thanks, as I hope that you are too.  (Moonbeam is insisting on living outdoors.  Tablo spends most of her time outdoors unless her nose tells her that I've got some cheese, which she loves, indoors. Chequers spends most of his time here in my bedroom, either sleeping alongside me on the bed or curled up on my knee).

Have a good week!

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