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Bandaged Trump Gets Rapturous Welcome Two Days After Assassination Attempt

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naomi24 | 10:32 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
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Has this attempt on his life secured the election for him?



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Because the same people who didn't recognise what happened in the January 6 United States Capitol attack, the same people who were at that riot, the same people who chanted "Hang Mike Pence", the same people who tried to prevent the certification of the 2020 US presidential election results, are not the same people, with the same values and the same mindset, as Untitled.

Some of his more fervent supports might see the hand of God at work here. He intervened to protect the once and future President.

And if the redirected round took the life of an audience member, isn't it better that a minor disaster happens rather than a great one?

//it better that a minor disaster happens rather than a great one?//

What a peculiar way of thinking.

I would have thought the death of a MAGA supporter would have got the rifles loaded and the pickups fired up for revenge not thinking "good its  a minor disaster"

Apparently the current President, Joe Biden, does not have to sign for the next President, who is supposed to be Donald Trump, to become President.  And if that doesn't happen, then Trump isn't president after all - Biden is (much like if Mike Pence hadn't signed in 2021).  And it would all be legal, given the supreme executive power that the president has.  Would Joe Biden do such a thing later this year?  Probably not.  Would Donald Trump, next time around?  Hmm, I'm thinking on that one ...

//Would Donald Trump, next time around?  Hmm, I'm thinking on that one ...//

Ah, the usual muck slinging with zero proof whatsoever.

Good old lefties, they just cant help it.

why do the majority of americans not vote for donald trump naomi?

The people at the Jan 6 protests were there as they believed their freedoms were under threat.  As often happens at these protests, a minority of them got carried away and some were violent, despite the vast majority being peaceful.  But it suits the Biden narrative to tar them all with the same brush, as well as using deliberately inflammatory language such as "fascist", "dictator" and "end of democracy."  The American people want a strong leader who will fight for their interests- unlike the geriatric  career politician they have at the moment.

The assassin's bullet saved Trump but killed Biden.

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Ellipsis, if I understand you correctly Trump must have 'signed' for Biden to become President?  That flies in the face of all we've been led to believe.  

People who remember their bible might think of Genesis 19, the story of Lot.

Two Angels had come to Lot's house to warn him to leave Sodom.  

The Sodomites heard there were new men in town and made towards Lot's home 

Lot, fearing for the virtue of the angels, put one of his daughters out to sate the filthy appetites of the mob.

Here's a biblical example of the lesser of two evils in operation.


God blinded the men in the mob enabling Lot, his daughters, and the angels, to escape unmolested.

YMB ...

1) I am not a "leftie", I'm equally cynical about the left and right!  And if I did have a persuasion, it would be centre-right.

2) Proof of what?  I'm saying I'm thinking about whether Trump would be even more vociferous in 2029 than he was in January 2021.

3) What makes me think that? Try this: Just start at the top and keep going, it gets interesting straight away ...

^ That was in response to 14:18.

Sinead, that's a perverse interpretation of an armed insurrection provoked by Trump to illegally hang on to power. Mobs quickly become dangerously out of control. If that's OK (ignoring the will of the people incidentally) where would you draw the line?

No, it's an accurate interpretation.  If it is, as you believe, an insurrection, how come four years later, the Biden justice department administration have prosecuted no-one for insurrection?  

//hat's a perverse interpretation of an armed insurrection//

What ARMED insurrection?

donald trump has been threatening his opponents with violence for years and violently attempted to seize power. forgive me if i find the pearl-clutching by his lickspittles completely hypocritical.

how did he react when one of his men invaded Nancy Pelosi's home and tried to kidnap her?

how did he react when his men plotted to kidnap gretchen whitmer?

where was all this outrage when trump called for mark milley to be killed?

why has donald trump described a "blood bath for the country" if he is not elected in 2024? why did he not rule out violence when he was asked about this?

trump is perfectly keen on violence when it suits him. let's not pretend he is something other than what he is.

Has this attempt on his life secured the election for him?

Papers are full of it

Lincoln and Mcinley - no ( dead)

Teddy Roosevelt - no

FDR - yes - - - does anyone know why he chose Truman fourth time round and not wallace ?

Kennedy - yes) LBJ was able to get all the civil rights legislation thro congress


donald trump has been threatening his opponents with violence for years and violently attempted to seize power.

unittled you naughty boy -  this is an un-mimsy thought for AB, who maintain his  thoughts are of the purest saintly line of " I serve my country" - -  mods - zap him!

I have quoted Trump and Hillary and the second amendment ( which I know says " I have a right to fill  my neighbour with lead whatever" )

9 Aug 2016 — Mr. Trump, in emphasizing gun issues and the Supreme Court during a speech, issued what some saw as a threat to Mrs. Clinton....

and none of the AB bunnies wiggled an ear !


Appalling behaviour from Lot. The angels would have had friends in high places and avoided problems anyway, but Lot tried to use his daughter as sexual bait ! Is it recorded how his relationship with his daughter fared after that ?

> 9 Aug 2016 — Mr. Trump, in emphasizing gun issues and the Supreme Court during a speech, issued what some saw as a threat to Mrs. Clinton....

Oh, Peter, how could you!   There's no way that Trump really meant that as a threat ...

> “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment.  If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”


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