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Bandaged Trump Gets Rapturous Welcome Two Days After Assassination Attempt

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naomi24 | 10:32 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
68 Answers


Has this attempt on his life secured the election for him?



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It's definately done no harm!

I suspect he didn't need it, but it will sway some floating voters away from the party who has such violent supporters.


His response of defiance when he couldn't know if there was more than one intending assassin will help his tally too.

> Has this attempt on his life secured the election for him?

Yes, as long as he is alive and well, he will win later this year ... and that's from somebody who doesn't want it to happen.

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Given that Biden is very clearly unfit to serve, I wonder if many voters feel they have no alternative?

I fully expected him wearing a Pudsey Bear type bandage to get full benefit from his assassination attempt.


i truly hope not. if he wins then america will have dark days ahead of it indeed.

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Untitled, if your predictions are as gloomy as you seem to think, why are the American people not seeing what you think you're seeing?

the majority of americans have never voted for trump naomi including in 2016, so I think most americans do. the people who support him are either very misguided or they are fascists who desire the things that he will do to the country.

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So 74 million Americans the last time round are either misguided or fascists.  Listen to yourself, untitled.

The US, similarly to the UK, has no good choice to offer the public from the parties who traditionally dominate the political scene.  At least in the UK there has been a small start at trying to change that.

even more americans voted for someone else naomi. he did not win the largest number of votes in either of the elections in which he stood. why do you think that is?

It's great to see him alive and well, and am sure he'll be re-elected.  Mind you, he's not got much competition!

I suspect it will help him somewhat.  

It's winding the voilent commie on this site anyway so good.

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untitled, the US electorial system is a separate issue - and you're swerving - which comes as no surprise given your ludicrous scaremongering conspiracy theories.

November is still too far away to tell what effect the assassination attempt will have on Trump's re-election.  However, the way he miraculously escaped death will remind floating voters of the high stakes of this election.  The democrats may as well just give him the White House keys now if they have no option but to keep a frail and confused Biden.

A weak, ailing, hopeless incumbent versus the man who bounced back.  Election over.

> why are the American people not seeing what you think you're seeing?

The same people who didn't recognise what happened in the January 6 United States Capitol attack.  The same people who were at that riot.  The same people who chanted "Hang Mike Pence". The same people who tried to prevent the certification of the 2020 US presidential election results.  Those people.

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I didn't realise that they can't get rid of Biden unless he agrees to go.  What an embarrassing situation!

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Ellipsis, I think you need to read the posts again.  The question was not who but why?

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Bandaged Trump Gets Rapturous Welcome Two Days After Assassination Attempt

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