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Burnt To A Crisp

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naomi24 | 11:34 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
22 Answers

//Fourteen high school students in Tokyo were rushed to hospital after eating "super spicy" potato chips on Tuesday, police said.  


The company website is full of warnings for those who may wish to try the crisps.  It "forbids" those under 18, external from consuming the crisps which are called "R 18+ curry chips", because of how spicy they are - and it warns even those who love hot food to "eat with caution". The crisps are "so spicy that they may cause you pain", it says.//


Would you try them?



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I'm not a lover of spicy dishes.

I was once on a course in London & we all went to a curry house for the evening meal. One guy was bragging how he liked really hot curries & he asked for the hottest one they could could make. He took one forkful, went bright red from the neck up & didn't eat any more!πŸ˜‚

No.  I've got more than one brain cell

Might have done when I was 13

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My husband, a keen cook and a lover of hot spicy food, made Thai Green curry once.  It literally hurt my head!

No, I wouldn't touch them.  I love spicy food, but know where to draw the line.

With a warning like that, probably not. My daughter would though. Many years ago, she and I went to a new Indian restaurant...she wanted their vindaloo curry. The waiter came back and asked if she was sure..."yes please". She did struggle a bit, but was determined to finish it...and did.

I used to make my own red and green curry pastes...maybe I'll look up my recipes πŸ˜‹ ☺️ 

Nope! I don't mind regular spicy food but anything hotter than that and my eyes would be bleeding!! lol ( not literally btw!)

Friends went to work in Mexico a few years ago, they used to go to a local place to eat out.  After about 6 months they were talking to the owner and he confessed that when new non-Mexican people came in their chilli was relatively mild, it gradually increased in intensity.

well they had better luck than the 6 Vietnamese who tried industrial strength cyanide ( rpt today)

how did the poisoner get them to chuck it down at the same time\/

there is a scale - scoville, for hot pepper chili

everyone really knew that, didnt they?

A friend once brought some Uncle Dave's Insanity Sauce into work. There were grown men crying after trying the tiniest amount. I could see stuff like that killing someone. How is it allowed!

I'd have a crisp butty with them πŸ₯ͺ

I used to only eat vindaloos every week in Brum in 80s. Then after a long hiatus, I ordered a madras and struggled to eat it, had to wash it down with a large lassy!!

Yes many will know that but PP if it makes you feel better it's probably becasue there is a hugely popular youtube series of a US TV programme where celebrities eat chillis that increase on the Scoville Scale called Hot Ones. You can relax knowing the knowledge didn't come about intellectually....

Kevin Hart Catches a High Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones (

Piggynose, a large lassy? Wot?

I usually have a vindaloo.  Ordered a Vinde and a Naga last week, nice but after decades of Rubys I no longer feel the heat.  Dont get deli Belly or Bombay botty burner either, I think you just build up an immunity.

One of my daughters eats vindaloo, she wont eat carbs so eats it with no bread/rice/spuds just on its own, sometimes accompanied with a Madras.  Her husband struggles with a Rogan, she usually is congratulated by the staff.

So yes I would give them a go if offered.

I grow chillies, got some Sctoch bonnets and two Bhut Jolokias amongst the lesser heat ones.  Grew some Dorset Nagas once, they did take your head off :-)

I might try one, no guarantee of swallowing. But they can't claim that they weren't warned.p

//I might try one, no guarantee of swallowing.//

Thats what the wife said when we first met😁

Lassie, badically a dort of yogurt/milk shake thing. Comes in sweet or salt varieties. I like salt so tried one once, don't recommend.


Madras ? That was the first curry I ever tried. Think it's probably my favourite; but I do like to ring the changes.

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