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On Hearing Of Christ's Resurrection, Doubting...

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sandyRoe | 20:53 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
23 Answers

...Thomas asked to see the wounds he had suffered.

Would those who believe the attempted assassination of Trump was a piece of political theatre be wrong to ask to see his wound?




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If it was political theatre he's lucky he didn't face the final curtain.

Yeah, but Thomas was doubting after a cave burial and apparent resurrection. Asking for proof was reasonable then. Today you watch the video.

I've watched magicians on video, none of them are the messiah.

move on, there's nothing to see ear.

ear - I thought it would come to this

Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.

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But Christ, despite knowing the pickle he was in, took the time to miraculously replace the ear.

When The Donald appears unbandaged will we see any trace of his close brush with death?

22.03, no, it will be "brushed" under his rug.

To all the wannabe stand up comedians:

Don't give up the day job. 

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But it's here we hone our skills before working up the nerve to approach an open mike in some comedy club/bar.

My name's Ben Elton, goodnight!

Please approach mike with caution, he may not be open to your humour.

Better to keep a distance and use a mic  🎤 

Best thing that ever happened to Trump, he can now claim that God loves him and America!!


To claim that 'God alone saved him' was disgusting in light of the fact that the man behind him was killed.  

Cult members have now started wearing ear patches. You couldn't make this shizz up.

BBC News - Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump - BBC News


^Oh for goodness sake!  I don't know whether that's funny or pathetic.  I suspect a bit of both.

Ye gods, only in America!

Life Of Brian comes true.

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Is it 'mic' or 'mike'? I need to know.

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On Hearing Of Christ's Resurrection, Doubting...

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