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Clone | 22:06 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
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locals told to stay home



It's the locals rioting.

Beware. This may not hang around long.

It wouldn't surprise me.  O_G is right.  Here we never hear about riots in France.  I don't know what's caused this one, but I'm not surprised.

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Didn't think I would be watching a bus getting set on fire live on TikTok tonight.

I'm supposed to be going there tomorrow. Not heard anything from my contacts.

Just watching recorded 10 o'clock news - as clear as mud.  What is going on?

The police and Social Services were trying to take a kid into care from a Romanian Gypsy family, then it kicked off.

Apparently social workers were attempting to remove a child from its home and that triggered the violence.

Ive just said that!

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Why would it be the first of many?

apparently in whitechapel Their reason? Police shot a Bangladeshi, in Bangladesh! could not make it up.

//Why would it be the first of many?//

Come on Ken you are not that naive.

The UK, and much of the West is a tinderbox, when it gets like that it only takes a small spark and its off.  France has been seeing this for a while, its in the UK too but smaller and doesnt make the press.  And as for the US, that sadly looks like its heading for civil war over the problem.

China and Russia must be laughing their dangly bits off at us.  Self Assured destruction!

Look up the Universe 25 Experiment. John Calhoun's observations on rodents are frighteningly similar to what is happening to humanity today. Also, a different issue, humans have evolved and grown as a tribal species so it's hardwired into our genetics to support our 'tribe' be it our nationality or our football team. 

Of course it is AP.

We are all animals with a survival instinct, domesticated maybe, but animals non the less.

10clarion...your answer wasn't there when I started to type. No need to shout.

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Why would it be the first of many?




Because it is the first of many.

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