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fender62 | 22:10 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

social worker tried to remove children from family for their own safety, i read somewhere a child was thrown out of a window by a parent ? result locals go nuts when people come to help said  other children from same family, lots of romanians iv also heard.



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Yeah. Mahyar Tousi covered it earlier.

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Old_Geezer, yea just noticed, i forgot to scroll down..

As soon as community leaders were mentioned we knew who the usual suspects were. 

but video does NOT show kid being chucked out of a window

But I can confirm that I heard the same thing and thought Christ no wonder they wished to take the children ( including the one in the garden) into care

it does give a difft view to statements by a Roma " Dees doesnt harpen in Romaaaarnia " I bet it  doesnt.

Do readers realise - ( o god the mods are gonna go craxy again, slash slash slash) - Roma ( er Travellers or Gypsies) are a recognised minority in  Romania.)  - and have separate rights ( and duties). There are reserved seats in the Duma elected by proportional rep ( I think). How do I know: oh I was almost pickpocketed by a Roma woman when I was there.

o god the mods are going to go twizzy when they read this


is it still illegal to impersonate an Egyptian in Britain? You could charge the family with that.

well the community leader was a bangla/pakistani ( muslim name) and the roma are christian

but hell this is AB so just let rip

.UK is it against the law to impersonate a gypsy ?

is a google-whack ! one answer,,-1278,00.html

short answer - was - - quick quick, the bots will pick up this soon ( = the second, and googl-whack status is lost)

//is it still illegal to impersonate an Egyptian in Britain? You could charge the family with that.//


The Bangles are screwed then.

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