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Our mainframe is fine!


Not personally, I can get to AB (and other sites) just fine.


From what I read I conclude the most likely cause to be an MS update that has bugs.

It appears it is an update from a partner company Cloudsearch and their falcon software that is supposed to protect the computer from DoS attacks etc. 

Seems if you had auto update on it was installed and then down you go.  Beggers belief that some of these systems have auto update on, it should be batched up by their IT dept and released when they are happy with it (Usually after waiting to see if anyone has an issue).

Also seems User Testing is becoming a thing of the past! only purchases in Waitrose and no ATMs in town dispensing cash!

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Sky news indicates that many airports affected.

09:54 you are kidding! Auto update? Are they mad? It's bad for this of course but it's also a hackers dream!

I was dvised by an IT retired friend to turn off auto updates for a week. I did .

I find auto install unacceptable. Which is why it is turned off on all my devices. But software from Samsung or Play Store does not always conform to my settings, and I often find software updated without permission. That should be globally illegal.

Eggs In one basket - springer to mind. 

It's affecting the computers at my GP Surgery and Pharmacy next door. Consequently I cannot collect my prescription for my inhalers. I am going on holiday on Sunday and I might not have an inhaler to take with me. 😞

just phoned my doctors about my blood tests, their systems were down yesterday so she was unsure of what bloods to test for but she took two anyway, I rang back today to see if the bloods they took were ok and their systems are down but its national now.

Eggs In one basket ?

So what operating system would youn propose?

Can't log into my work laptop and even if I could, colleagues have reported they can't connect to remote servers to provide support.


So...about to mow the lawn then take the puppy for a walk.

a prescription of mine seems to have vanished somewhere between surgery and chemist, and both say their systems are down. I'm going to have to walk to the GP, see if I can pick up a paper copy, and take it to the chemist. Just like I used to do when my feet still worked.

Much more sensible. Then you can take it to any pharmacist, at any time, as per your own convenience.

10:24, it's not eggs in one basket, one of the baskets is affected but other baskets are still working or we would not be having this discussion. Think of it like cars. Imagine all the Fords in the world stopped working, it would have a world wide effect but the other makes are still running fine.

Not even that TTT, it would be like most of the Fords were up but those who updated theirs no longer work.

Filled in a triage form online at 8am but didn't receive a call back so I just phoned them and their system is down, so they can't see who filled in the triage forms.

I've been told I will have to wait until the system is up and running again but they don't think it will be today which means it's going to be next Monday before I can speak to my GP.

this sort of thing demonstrates how vulnerable we are, reliant on IT systems.

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