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Is Crowdstrike Financially Liable For The Worldwide It Outage Today?

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barney15c | 17:47 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | News
25 Answers

Is Crowdstrike financially liable for the disruption they have caused with their broken update which clearly was not tested thoroughly enough. 



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If they arent I cant see any new customers lining up at their virtual door.

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Their share price has already dropped 15% on the day, if nothing else market confidence will have a telling impact on this company even if the disruption they have caused doesn't.

Having scanned the BEEB article on this I wondered, in an idle moment, if Melanie Pizzey of the Global Payroll System would be knocked out by the AB swear filter.

Let's see.


Excellent. I'm making a note for the future.

We only had enough cash for two soups.

Can I get compensation?

My gp couldn't access my records, so a wasted phone consultation that I booked 2 weeks ago.  

That the world is so reliant upon current technology is quite frightening really.  Without it everything stops.  

//My gp couldn't access my records, so a wasted phone consultation that I booked 2 weeks ago. //

So what has happened to all those paper files????? My doctor still has drawer full of little buff folders!!

// We only had enough cash for two soups. //

...delivered by Julie Walters?

Likely something in the contract small print stating that they aren't liable, or have restricted liability. Thst you install it by auto-update at your own risk.

In answer to Sharon A, those little buff folders are called Lloyd George's. They are now being digitised and destroyed. They would be of little use now as all consultations are entered electronically. Although, today our doctors were actually writing out their consultations with patients the old fashioned way. 

If a doctor wrote whatever is in the buff folder, how can anyone read it correctly to type in the data ? Do they get pharmacists in on nightshift to tell them what it says ?

Old_Geezer, they won't be transcribed as such, just scanned directly into the patient's notes. I do agree about the hand writing, though, even I struggled to read it.

I thought yes - but you wd have to show negligence - and may be difficult as the company ( see Fuji and Post Offive) may be anal about its codes.

and those who pay crowdstrike lu-lu, then in contract ( easier: implied term the update wont crash the  world)

I imagine they  are insured - altho I can easily see someone doing a oopsie on that one ( forgetting to  erm get insured)

and the awful Bill Gates is doing a mitigation patch presumably for yet more lu-lu

Maybe the world will come to realise what a piece of junk Microsoft software is.


Meanwhile Bill Gates is laughing his testicles off on some Caribbean island.


It appears now that I’m not the only person the world whose computer software fails on a daily basis.


I am reminded of when my doctor gave me a note with instructions for stopping one medication and starting up another.

I ended up going back to the surgery to get it translated.😂

Wolf - I used to wonder just how many people had taken wrong meds or similar purely due to a doctors appalling handwriting being misread! 

Smo, years ago it happened to me.  It was lucky that it didn't make me ill.

I must admit that my own handwriting is no longer neat and easily read.  I have been known to use the computer to write shopping lists.


wolf, I think a lot of us do so much typing rather than writing that our handwriting is now hopeless (or maybe it's just age). I used to be quite calligraphic and neat, now I can barely read my own writing.

Not that it matters when they want me to sign for something and I just drag my little fingernail across a mobile screen and pretend it's "writing".

> Is Crowdstrike Financially Liable For The Worldwide It Outage Today?

Probably not, and even if they are, it would be an insurance job. But their reputation is something betweem heavily dented and holed beneath the waterline.

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