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Labour To Fast Track 90,000 Asylum Claims

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naomi24 | 12:03 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | News
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//Of the 90,000 told they could be put on deportation flights, about 60,000 are predicted to have their claims accepted.  Some of the Rwanda cohort had taken challenges to the High Court and were told yesterday that their claims would be processed within a week “as a priority”.//


Meanwhile the boats continue to arrive.  Now where's that cure-all rubber stamp?



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The great betrayal of the poor sods on the housing, medical and school waiting lists.
12:37 Sat 20th Jul 2024

Ask Sunak?

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He didn't have a rubber stamp.

The simplest way to massage these grotesque numbers is to accept the 60,000.  It then appears the problem is being dealt with.

The great betrayal of the poor sods on the housing, medical and school waiting lists.

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That sums it up in one sentence, Rocky, and there will be more to come.  The electorate can't say it wasn't warned.

I'm sure of it.

There'll be tears before bedtime.

Oh but he's "going to smash the criminal gangs".  I wonder how that's going?  Anyone?

If you could come here without recourse to a criminal gang why would you bother with them?

Smashing the criminal gangs was what Keir Starmer said he was going to do every time he was asked about what specifically Labour were going to do about immigration.  It would have been less disingenuous to say 'Naff all.'

Sinead and Stableford .Sir Keir has already got rid of the Criminal Gang. When he threw them out of Government on the 4th JULY.

Borderforce have just intercepted and siezed a yacht in the channel carrying transporting illegal immegrants. The 85 peolpe were landed at Dover. The report ssys threy were in an 18 ft yacht (I suspect that ought to be 18 metere) As someone who used to sail and race yachts I can't see how you would get 86 people on an 18 footer and keep it afloat. If they are beiong brought to the UK what is the purpose in stopping them?


// LABOUR is to fast-track the asylum claims of tens of thousands of migrants who were due to be sent to Rwanda. //

Tens of thousands were never going to be sent to Rwanda.

// Home Office officials fear the number of migrants deported on the first Rwanda flight could be in single figures because of legal challenges. //

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Gromit, Regardless of the obstacles the last government encountered, this government is still fast tracking 90,000 illegal immigrants - 60,000 of whom are predicted to have their claims for asylum accepted.  That's one way to get numbers down.

Basically the best thing Starmer would do is just send these"refugees"over to the Republic of Ireland.The Irish welcome"refugees",we dont.I am sure they will get a warm welcome over in Coolock,Dublin.


Presumably, if he wants any chance of winning a future election, the rubber stamp shows "REJECTED", and the transport awaits for their immediate deportation back to the safe country named "France".

This was always going to happen. Rubber stamp them in and then in a few short months Labour will be crowing about how they've managed to get the backlog sorted.

Great BA - to the point and accurate.

"67% of initial decisions made in the year to December 2023 have been grants of protection, meaning they have been awarded refugee status or humanitarian protection."

That is virtually the same percentage as that  projected for the fast-tracked claims.

smash the gangs, like any criminal enterprise another will fill the void, only returns to france would have the desired effect, and france don't want them either, merkels original welcome only spedup arrivals, fortress europe is the only way, but is it feasible.

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These people are here illegally.  Rubber stamping them will send a clear message to Calais - come one come all.   

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