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Trump On Biden, Magnanimous And Generous As Usual.

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sandyRoe | 07:40 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | News
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yes it's funny how "commies and metro liberals" care about women having access to legal and safe abortion isn't it... or how they care about maintaining support for ukraine against russian aggression... or about preventing a violent dictatorship in United States and protecting the civil rights of minorities and perhaps preserving even the slightest...
08:16 Mon 22nd Jul 2024

He's not wrong.

No surprise there. They tell him to stand down from the race and then mock him when he does. I hope the Democrats can find a decent candidate to knock this moron off his perch. 

That stupid plaster on his ear! 

Trump truly is scum

i hope now that biden has rightly dropped out that the media will also place scrutiny on trump's age and cognitive decline. he is too old to serve

//That stupid plaster on his ear! //

And you would do what if someone shot your ear?

Honestly just look at yourself.

Trump is certainly winding up the Commies & Metro liberal so doing something right.

And he is not wrong on this either.

Yes, that stupid plaster on his ear. Probably far larger than necessary and most people would have a flesh-coloured one.

Too funny.  Let's go Brandon, as they say!

So a narcissistic *** should now become the ruler of the country that considers itself the worlds super power?

God help us all๐Ÿ˜’

yes it's funny how "commies and metro liberals" care about women having access to legal and safe abortion isn't it... or how they care about maintaining support for ukraine against russian aggression... or about preventing a violent dictatorship in United States and protecting the civil rights of minorities and perhaps preserving even the slightest chance that the US might cut emissions 

funny how "commies and metro liberals" care about all that, isn't it!

By "legal and safe abortion" do you mean killing babies? As for wars, there were no wars declared by President Trump- the world was a safer place.  Civil rights of minorities?  Which civil rights for minorities were eroded under the Trump presidency, Unititled?  Educate yourself- look up the First Step Act.  As for emissions- yeah, USA will follow China and India on this.


"So a narcissistic *** should now become the ruler of the country that considers itself the worlds super power?"

No, under President Trump it's America first- they don't consider themselves the world's policeman any more.  Time for other countries to pull their weight.

no sinead i mean what i wrote. legal and safe abortion. 

I think Trump was probably brought up in an environment where folk like to be blunt and not sugarcoat anything. Social graces aren't his style, which likely means many won't get on with him.

Especially Commies and Metro liberals.

Just look at them frothing at the mouth, it's brilliant.

//I think Trump was probably brought up in an environment where folk like to be blunt and not sugarcoat anything. Social graces aren't his style//

This could also be why he said Mike Pence should be hung, joked about Nancy Pelosi's husband having his head bashed in with a hammer, and pondered whether someone should shoot Hillary Clinton.

Straight talker.

Blunt, straight talking fine, spouting and believing his own fictions, less fine.

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