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Angela "Tories Are Scum" Rayner...

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Khandro | 22:06 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | News
14 Answers

... teased by Kemi Badenoch,

and about time?



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It's nice to see politicians offering a helping hand and advice to those in a difficult position.

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To be fair to her; I've never listened to much that Badenoch has said before - I think she's quite good.

In summary then, "We were utterly useless liars who think it was all a right laugh".

One can see the appeal to certain of their supporters.

Very eloquent lady, well spoken, calm and with an element of jest.

This is why she was my choice for PM instead of Sunak.

And the Metro liberals hate her, so what more is needed!

I didn't like that.  Such cattiness should have been beneath her dignity - but it wasn't.   

//"We were utterly useless liars who think it was all a right laugh".//

You clearly heard what you wanted to hear.  Try listening again - to the whole thing.

10:43 do you have any examples of these alleged porkies?

It didn't impress me- she had nothing of value to say.


She wasnt really there to say anything, it was just a speech to 'Welcome' Angie.

She will have plenty to say as the term rolls on I am sure.

//Such cattiness//  Didnt really see it that way, she was trying to be amusing, something most politicans fail at but still do. 

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naomi //Such cattiness should have been beneath her dignity - but it wasn't.//

If you had beed called 'scum' as Badenoch & her colleagues were by Rayner, do you not think you might have been just a teeny bit catty yourself ?   

Khandro, I'd expect nothing less from Angela Rayner.  Others, I would hope, would rise above it.  It wasn't a clever speech.

Maybe touting for the Have I Got News For You gig although I doubt she'd want to cross swords with Hislop over her experiences and successes.

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