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Are The People Of Majorca Committing Economic Suicide?

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naomi24 | 10:18 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
16 Answers

Palma on Sunday.  //Lyrics rang out: “There will be no more regattas, tomorrow is the last cruise.


Goodbye rental cars, goodbye rat businesses.   The protesters also spoke of ploughing up Majorca’s motorway network in a promo video for the Palma demo.//


And goodbye jobs.



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Good news for Benidorm?

They remind me of the arrogant, obnoxious Welsh and the Cornish. They want your money but not you. Keep out!

Yep, stop going there then they can revert back to their pre tourism life style.

In Barcelona one of the causes of anti tourist sentiment was properties being let for short periods to tourists.  In the past these might have been rented by locals as their permanent homes.

They need to find a happy medium.

That's Airb&b, they can make a lot more money for a lot less agro.

Those AirB&B properties are usually foreign second home owners

some are barry but many are locals.

If they have an issue they need to take it up with local authorities and talk about limiting licences for holiday let properties. An all or nothing approach will cause local economy problems and will also probably result in greater demand at other resorts.

Still, on the plus side, fewer tourists will mean more room to accommodate the illegal economic immigrants from the other side of the Med. It's an ill wind...

Being born and bred in a seaside Town I really do have my sympathies with them.

But, they need to target their Government/Officials who allow this to happen.  As I have said before on other threads I believe its the Airbnb that is the problem.  Around the World this should be banned in residential areas.  Thier Government also needs to do more to stop places like Magaluf, its a lovely place by day but night...

//That's Airb&b, they can make a lot more money for a lot less agro.//

Yes, the Spanish have been making it very hard for Landlords of long term lets, so guess what owners turn to an easier way where they are not stuck with unwanted tenants.

Will be coming here soon, and then the left will whine about no accomodation.

Actions and consequences.

I understand the frustration in Barcelona as I've seen it written that AirBnB and other holiday lets mean there's a shortage of  accommodation for locals, and what there is the rent is greater than the average wage, but for places like Majorca, 35% of their income is from tourism and over 30% of jobs. Tourism is the single largest contributor to the Island's income and employment - they're mad to mess with those numbers.

The problem is that the socialist running the EUSSR hate landlords so they make it ever more difficult for them. Solution? AirBnB good money, person gone in days or weeks. Let a flat for a grand a week rather than a couple of hundred, no contest. Take on a full time tennant and you have all the red tape that goes with that. If the people of Majorca or indeed any comparable place want to moan at someone, moan at successive trobiscite governments scaring anyone but the big boys out of letting.

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It's not just the rental villas and apartments - according to a google search there are 308,000 hotel rooms in Majorca.  If this action leads to the package holiday market suffering, that's an awful lot of lost euros.

I am guessing that the average protesting Majorcan person has simply failed to understand the consequence of a massive reduction in visitor tourism.  If their efforts make the destination unatractive to visitors, many of whom are British, they will repent at leisure - big time.

Maybe Spanish hoteliers and villa-ists could invest in the British seaside and revive the faded grandeur, bringing much needed value and service at the same time.

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