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just trying to ease Rishi's pain, very humane of him.

Ahh, you can't blame him.  He never was cut out for the job.  Never mind, chances are he won't be lumbered with it for long.

Don't be so sure Naomi. However, it's very likely.he won't have to talk to Richi for much longer.

Time for a cognitive test?

Not news, is it. How many people still say Prince Charles before correcting themselves.

Anyone can make a mistake - the majority of voters did on July 4th!

No they didn't, the majority didn't vote labour

true - 30 odd % wasn't it...

A party with a massive majority voted for by only a minority of those who bothered to vote and an even smaller minority of the total electorate. You just couldn't make it up!

Yep 20% of the electorate put Rodders in. Easy slip to make really!


Pity the Tories were so divided and incompetent they couldn't stop the snake-oil salesman nicking their votes.


Lost the plot already. He should hand over to Rayner right away 🤔


Pity the Tories were so divided and incompetent they couldn't stop the snake-oil salesman nicking their votes.//

Pity they just coulnt be Tories.

The "snake-oil Salesman", I assume you mena Mr Farage is anything but.  He achieved his aim, pity th Tinos couldnt implement it.

Farage has nothing to do with the so called Torys downfall they did it all by themselves, all SKS had to do was tighten the leash on Raynor and sit back.

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