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Republican Calls For Civil War If Trump Loses

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Untitled | 21:21 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
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he has apologised... but there are many in his party who agree. Donald Trump has said nothing and has not ruled out violence if he loses when asked on other occasions...

can we expect the republicans to attack if their nominee loses in November?



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The civil war is already happening.It just hasn't become full on violent yet. It is being played out in Congress, the courts and the media.The anti-democracy side is already gearing up to attempt another steal should they lose in November.There is likely to be violence and intimidation on election night which Trump will do everything in his power to...
22:32 Tue 23rd Jul 2024

How can anyone point out what an absolute disaster a particular thing is when that particular thing is clearly not any form of disaster and, on the contrary, a necessary part of fixing a grevious error ?

05:25 "Hymie has not called for violence in order to overturn brexit has he " - No but he's posted, moaning about it every day for 8 years. I'd say that indicates a lack of acceptance.

Tell you what Hymie: I you had the power to rip up the referendum result and put it all back as it was regarding the EUSSR, would you?

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you just don't like that he disagrees with brexit toratoratora. not the same thing at all. hymie doesn't wield any power or influence... he is just a person with an opinion which you would like to silence.

trump by comparison has actively told lies about his 2020 defeat being rigged and did so with the obvious intention of encouraging violent backlash against it. he has not ruled out doing it again...  that the republicans view such a person as an acceptable nominee is indefensible. and now we have members of that party openly calling for civil war, only to issue mealy-mouthed apologies later on to cover their backside. why haven't vance or trump denounced this or said anything about it? 

the answer is that they approve of it. 

it is worth remembering that the US civil war got started when a group of politically radicalised states refused to accept the result of the 1860 election and chose to violently resist it. the republicans seem very relaxed about encouraging a similar situation. 

untitled: "you just don't like that he disagrees with brexit toratoratora." - not true, I have respect for most of the remain voters, their choice. Mostly they have accepted the result, I think I can count you among those. What I don't like is that Hymie puts a bad spin on it every day. He trawls the net for anti Brexit and indeed anti British videos, most by the same guy, in fact that guy may well be hymie. I'm not happy that England lost to Spain the other week but I don't go on about it every day. I have accepted the result.

Do Americans just accept lying as part of politics as we do?

He's an idiot child in the body of a man.

Well, two men actually, fat ***.

untitled: "trump by comparison has actively told lies about his 2020 defeat being rigged " - That's an opinion, you lefties really need to learn what words mean. The one you seem to have the most difficulty with is only 3 letters.

Well The Donald has got the Commies and Metro liberals frothing at the mouth, so mission accomplished!

American politics is very different to ours, thank goodness, its all about rethoric to whip up the crowds.  All sides do it.

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no tora it is a lie. there is no evidence whatsoever that the 2020 election was rigged and trump's own attorney general told him so. he knew it wasn't true and said it anyway.

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"What I don't like is that Hymie puts a bad spin on it every day. "

well suck it up lol. having a moan isn't the same thing as trying to interfere with the result... not even close. i suspect you'll be moaning about labour for years ahead, but you're not going around calling for civil war. 

My one word to describe Trump is megalomaniac:  

"A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power."

I pity the US with someone like that at their head and with his finger on the button.

Thats ok Maggie, he isnt looking for the votes of people like you.

BTW, instead of name calling try calling out his policies instead.  People will take you far more seriously then.

10:46, It's an opinion, a belief.

YMB, thank you so much for your sage advice.  //he isnt looking for the votes of people like you.// Don't think he'll be looking for your vote either!  

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i don't know about that... i think trump is pretty keen on the bootlicker vote 

untitled: "i suspect you'll be moaning about labour for years ahead, but you're not going around calling for civil war. " - not true, if you look at my recent posts you'll see some are actually supporting the government. I do not automatically criticise the opposition. I have posted many a "credit where it's due" thread.

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i am not begrudging you your right to moan if you want to tora!!! 

"trump has actively told lies about his 2020 defeat being rigged " - That's an opinion,

you mean instead, that if a thief says " I didnt steal it" - then that is a fact? righto!

this is AB on a wednesday

//Don't think he'll be looking for your vote either!  //

Well since I dont have one no he wont.  But I think you miss the point, Trump is not looking to convert outright left wingers such as yourself,, just as Harris wouldnt be looking to outright rightwingers.

However, if I was in the US, I must admit I wouldnt know who to vote for, so a right wing swing voter so yes he would be looking for my sort.

//10:46, It's an opinion, a belief//

Have a day off tora. Even Trump isn't that stupid or deranged.


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