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Thisoldbird | 11:33 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | News
44 Answers

Once our Queen died I have little time for the royal family. 

Charles is a wimp and as for his lady friend, I can't bear to watch her. 


Having read the above article a few days ago just shows how they waste tax payers money on "staff".. Camillas sister  getting enormous amounts of money age 79 should have been pensioners off years ago. What a farce!!  





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Have a nice day oldbird.Anyone know what oldbird is rambling on about?

As far as I'm aware the Duchy of Cornwall isn't funded by the tax-payer.  If Camilla's sister was employed there, her payments would have been funded by the business.  


//The Duchy currently provides an annual income of £21m which The Prince uses to support himself, his children and their families as well as his philanthropic work, which raises over £100m annually for a variety of good causes. The Prince voluntarily pays income tax on all revenue from the estate.//

Actually, since Charles is now king and Prince William the Duke of Cornwall, that website needs updating.  Very remiss of the staff.

It's all an utter farce, bowing and scraping to a short man whose eyes are too close together.

Telling us all how to live our lives while he's been content to philander his way to getting what he wants, alienating his youngest son in the process.

Quite the role model.

What's wrong with nepotism?

The guy in the local chip shop sometimes employs his wife's sister.

No problem with that as far as I can see.

Ah.The"politics of envy",thats always ended up well oldbird.Not.

Camillas sister was employed as an interior designer for years. She worked on the Duchy of Cornwall Estate. Now the Duchy belongs to William and he is trying to cut back on staff and he has decided that her services are no longer needed.King Charles is not a wimp. To describe Camilla as his 'lady friend' is insulting. No doubt you are one of those who still carry a torch for Diana .

Insulting for some, but historically accurate.

why dont you cut off her head?

Have a nice day oldbird.Anyone know what oldbird is rambling on about? - god I wish people wdnt  do  this

Read the post you silly old inny! - and if you dont wanna ead the post, then dont post  !

Not  having read the article it would be about Old Retainers er being retained - with a few Old Knitters, saying " no  no they should after a life time service of  bowing  and scraping be out on the street like the rest of us!"

it  is a point of  view

who still carry a torch for Diana .

and Dody ! - let us not forget HER man-friends. All completely platonic I am SURE !

Apparenly the Royal Family costs the taxpayer £86.3m. So they can do what they like with my £1.29. I'd far rather that than the  fiasco currently playing out in the USA.

It's all an anachronism but unlikely to change while swathes of the public still want those of hereditary privilege around to kowtow to.


And it's about equity & fairness, not envy.

She wasn't getting any at home, Peter, Chazza having exhausted himself elsewhere, so she did what anyone would do, apart from the end bit, obvs.

The King owns the Crown Estates, which last year generated profits of over 1 billion. The King gave up his rights to this income which now goes to the Government who in return pay him a Sovereign Grant which is a small percentage.

So the taxpayers money he receives is actually his own money.

erm hello - nice to see you posting ubasses

the king tha gave up his income in Crown estates in return for The Civil List was er - - - George III ( income then £26 000 p a ) and Georgey need and got much more

NOW I see a per cent of Crown Estate loolah goes to Charles ( 26% I read) and I think /thought this was a derived metric  (Charley-boy gets £100m from the gubmint and this represents x % of Crown  estates income)

but I cd be wrong: I dont lose sleep over things like this

She wasn't getting any at home, Peter,

Blimey I thought you referred to the Old Girl herself Camilla's sista ! I need a glass of brandy !

That would cut more ice if it wasn't for the fact that in history all estates were seized by individuals from the people in the first place, at a time when might was equated with right.

26% was allocated when Buckingham Palace needed renovating it has been reduced again now, think it's about 15%.

Many peoples around the world look on with admiration at the British royal family and are a bit of envious of the Brits for having such an institution, hence the massive viewing of the recent funerals & coronations which nobody else can do with such aplomb & ceremony.

I've never heard anyone anywhere, except for the whinging U.K lefties, speak derogatively of them.

p.s. Harry & Megan are not royals.

-- answer removed --

"I've never heard anyone anywhere, except for the whinging U.K lefties, speak derogatively of them."


Maybe you need to get out more.

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