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Thisoldbird | 11:33 Sat 27th Jul 2024 | News
44 Answers

Once our Queen died I have little time for the royal family. 

Charles is a wimp and as for his lady friend, I can't bear to watch her. 


Having read the above article a few days ago just shows how they waste tax payers money on "staff".. Camillas sister  getting enormous amounts of money age 79 should have been pensioners off years ago. What a farce!!  





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The guy in the local chip shop sometimes employs his wife's sister.

yeah but no but: this is a private business and he is not using public money ( er he's not ALSO claiming dole and HB is he? a lot do)

.... and does he do anything ELSE with his wife's sista ? hur hur hur

douglas: //Maybe you need to get out more.//

To where, for example ?

Ah, we may have accidentally stumbled across your problem.

'Charles is a wimp and as for his lady friend, I can't bear to watch her.'

I take it you mean HM the King and his wife, HM the Queen, of a quarter of a century?


douglas: //Ah, we may have accidentally stumbled across your problem.// 

When you can't answer a question try a non sequitur and you might get away with people thinking you are a fount of wisdom. This is The Answerbank after all.😊

 Prince William is right in his actions, Camillas sister is not a royal and should not be a hanger on.

Camilla's sister isn't a hanger-on.  She has a business and has been working for the Duchy.

I am corrected. I have detected that William has a hard side, lets hope going forward his judgements are good.

William has let Annabel  Elliot go because he feels that she has passed her expertise onto the other staff members who can now deal with refurbising etc. of the properties he owns . No bad feelings at all between them. As Naomi has said she is not a sponger or hanger-on. Has her own very successful business and will probably continue working there. 

Oliver Cromwell had the right idea. Viva the Republic.

And Oliver Cromwell lived like a king ...

Viva the republic dave?But when you are the first to be put up against the wall to be executed you will be shouting God Save The King.Wont you?

If I was queen Camilla, I'd be employing my sister as a 'whatever they're called now' type person..lady in waiting perhaps... as I'd know I could trust her. And I'd care not one joy what people thought.

If you don't like the royal family then anything and everything they do will irritate you, if you do like them then you just let them get on with it.

I like having a royal family,

Vagus, you said in another post that you were not religious and didn't really care what happened at the Olympics.  Is King Charles not head of the Church of England and "defender of the faith"?  Or is that merely lip service?


I like the royals also vagus.Especially because they wind up and irritate all the nutty left-wing aerosols on this site.GSTK.

Oh dear ynnafymmi, you're slowly turning into TTT.  Please be careful or you will be growing a pair.

I care not at all, Maggie. He might be 'defender of the faith' but it really doesn't interest me. He's the king and that's all that matter to me. 

Sorry,maggie.Im a firm centrist on the political scene.Im totally against Brexit and im totally against all those who voted for Brexit.If TTT voted Remain,then yes you can equate me with him,however....the main Brexiteers up here in Scotland was the SNP,were you one of them maggie?

Rex non potest peccare.

Go figure, (or go and find a better hole).

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