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Much as we were told. There was an altercation, the guy is on the floor, the cop kicks and stamps on him.


Still needs investigation.

As i said on the original thread, TTT, two sides to every coin. We know the police are expecetd to act with restraint but they are human beings first, policemen and women second. I'd have done exactly the same.

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I would really have stamped on him, not the half pulled one the plod did.

Yes, there should be an investigation and the kick still looks OTT to me.

But, you say was "There was an altercation"; I say "the thug was out of control, violently attacking the policemen/women."

It was a complete screw up.
These police had guns, they had tasers, they had pepper spray and they had the authority.   
Yet three of them were overpowered and beaten. That shows incompetence and ignorance of the correct police prodedures.  There was no attempt to calmly question the suspects. No attempt to get there version of what happened in the baggage collection hall. The police went straight for a violent arrest, and came off worse. Then one officer committed a violent assault for which he will probably be dismissed.   
I hope GMP learn from this unfortunate incident.

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// There was no attempt to calmly question the suspects. No attempt to get there version of what happened in the baggage collection hall.//

Maybe they police should have offered them a cup of tea and said "let's have a chat over a cuppa". 

No.  The blokes had already been fighting (allegedly). Would you have been able to deal with it, gromit? Have you ever been in such a situation?

Nasty animals! They should have their British Citizenship revoked just like that ISIS bride, Shamima Begum, if they cannot live by our rules and respect our laws. 

Why is the CCTV getting drip fed? Released firstly to get sympathy for the 'victim'. Then with the next video we find out he's Mike Tyson.

All involved should hang their heads in shame.

As I said, the officers had firearms, tasers, pepper spray. It is inconceivable they lost control of the situation so quickly.

I am sure GMP will use this video in future training of recruits, showing what NOT to do.

How can one describe the guys in blue raining thumps and punches and knocking a female PO to the floor an 'altercation'? The kick may not be defensible but if this had happened in some other countries the 2 guys would probably be dead. Lucky for them the UK is soft.

Okay gromit, so you think they should have used tasers or firearms or pepper spray.  I take it you didn't mean to say "There was no attempt to calmly question the suspects. No attempt to get there version of what happened in the baggage collection hall"

Are you on dial-up, Tora?


Both scumbuckets were out of control, one of them elbowed his own mother in the face. Once again our top brass police and our politicians cower to the mob.

// so you think they should have used tasers or firearms or pepper spray. //

Nope. They could have avoided all that by not over reacting and questioning him first before instead violently arresting him.

Notice the last second before the edit, the WPC pulls out her pepper spray and points it into the face of the old lady on the ground, - then the video stops.

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the pepper spray is aimed at the guy on the ground, nice try gromit, why do lefties always side with crims and terrorists?

Was the force used by the same officer against the man on the floor and the man who had been sitting with his hands up, reasonable in the circumstances?

// the pepper spray is aimed at the guy on the ground //


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Yep, deceptive angle

Look where the WPC's eyes are, and the taser in her hand. The direction is at the old woman.

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