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Wrong link, TTT.

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No it really isn't, but he has served his sentence, so I understand the argument. I think I would have withdrawn from the squad of he was my potential teammate.

He was given a lighter sentence in recognition of the fact that his crime had scuppered his volleyball career.

And he is on the worlds' greatest stage with precious little evidence of any 'scuppering'.

Perhaps at the end of his competition, he ought to be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of the sort of sentence a less sporty chap could have expected to receive?

I used to enjoy watching beach volleyball ... not now!

no it is not. this person should not have been allowed to compete. it casts a huge shadow over the event. 

He has served his sentence and now he gets on with the rest of his life.

If you want to stop him having another life after predication

//If you want to stop him having another life after predication//

I don't understand what you're tryong to say there gromit. Is there some incorrect predicticted text that's affected that ?

I think "rape" is a bit strong  for what the israelis  and gazans are doing to each  other.

oh I see: rapist being used for what he is

not what he chance for hope and redemption - but hey this is AB!

It's an absolute travesty that he's allowed to compete. Lord knows what the Dutch were thinking. I know they're more liberal than us, but child rape. Unbelievable. His wife is a copper, apparently.

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