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Rte 32

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scooke | 11:12 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

4d a monstrous feature where under a monster lies(4)?e?s

15a 10 of them for Bruce willis screened to deal with(4)r???

23d god of light and son of god, all Greek to me and you... gotta add myth(6)a?e?l?

16d  slide fittings for security they may be, but not altogether under lock and key(4,6)??o?,c?e?n?




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15a- he was in a film called "the whole ten yards" but ...

23d Apollo?

hook chains? Some other CHAINS?

I'm wondering if you have some incorrect letters in some answers

16 door chains??

door chains is better than mine

the clue for 23d seems far too long to me for the answer to be simply APOLLO

15 maybe 'yard' if the film is called The Whole Ten Yards ??

4d beds?

These clues all seem to long for the answers

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15a answer.... reds

Thanks. Yes he had a film called RED. I don't understand the 10 unless it's a reference to clue number 10.


^11:33- too long

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10a was clue about russia

So Reds it is then

have you got them all now then?

4d Ness?

Ness looks good

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Rte 32

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