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So We Can Give £11.6Bn To Foriegners For "Climate Change".....

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ToraToraTora | 18:41 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
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The turkeys voted for Christmas.

A couple of things:


If anybody thinks that job would be done for two billion they know nothing of UK infrastructure project pricing.

This is not China.

Yes, it'll probably save nearer £5 billion and save 10 years of disruption and save having to deal with protests/legal challenges. and most people outside the area won't care if they scrap it.


they should scrap HS2 in its entirety as well...

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And you're so clever😪

he does it a lot - poss dyslexic?

Vital?? You having a laugh me old china. SK doing a fine job so far sorting the mess and stupid spending of the cons. Get them books polished up SK.🤣🤣

//Get them books polished //

You are in for a big shock my lad.

I personally am finding it amusing, as said above the turkeys voted for Christmas 

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So We Can Give £11.6Bn To Foriegners For "Climate Change".....

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