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I'd Forgotten How Nasty The Lefties Are.....

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ToraToraTora | 21:55 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | News
62 Answers

We can afford to give £11.6bn to foriegners for "climate change" yet 10million pensioners must freeze. Nice one Robber Reeves! They always used to say the Tories were the nasty party!



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Before the election I made a bet with a young and rather naive labour supporter who was going on and on about how wonderful it was going to be. I said that the first group to be targeted would be those with private pensions.... I didnt think £5 would offset the loss though.  Double or quits was that SKS would not  be leader in two years but would be replaced by someone on the far left.... She is  now beginning to understand that those of us who lived through earlier Labour goverments might know the pattern

I think they secretly want a lot of us to die-off.  We are quite an expensive age-group.  The fact that pensioners have paid for their pensions etc. and do a huge amount of voluntary work doesn't impinge or matter.

Thing is, when I looked at my pension 20 yrs. ago, it seemed pretty decent and liveable on - assuming the then levels of lowish inflation.  Since then there have been 2 huge humps in inflation and now £15K (about 2/3 of my final pay level as an experienced teacher) doesn't look to be a huge amount - but I still pay tax on it!

Yes, they could cut the 'climate change' gift; they could cut overseas aid to places like India (which can afford its own nuclear programme); they could cut lots of things......... but we are expendable.  Sadly, a lot of good community work would die with us and society would fracture even more.

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that's the sad thing, most labour voters have no experience of real Labour. They just voted for change but had no clue what they were voting for.

I'd Forgotten How Nasty The Lefties Are

nonsense. You haven't stopped talking about them. Just as I haven't forgotten 14 years of cruelty and corruption under the Tories, which you never even noticed.

The option for Reform was there, but ridiculed and ignored by many. Consequences...

🥱 This is nearly interesting, please continue 😒

And don't forget the Lib-Dems.

I've forgotten, how did they do in the last election?

And the SNP sandy,i wonder how they got on at the election?

JNO.  Perhaps you could give some examples of 14 years of cruelty under a Conservative Government.  As for corruption there are already examples reported daily of this Labour Governement.

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09:52, they never can they just spout the BS like children who learned the times tables by wrote, they never have any examples. I'm still trying to get an example of a lie from Either Boris, Farage or Trump.

10m pensioner will not freeze.

The winter fuel allowance used to be given to everyone to almost everyone in the UK who was born before 25 September 1957 to help cover their heating costs...whether they needed the money or not.

This payment was brought in by New Labour in 1997 because pensions were miserably low - Gordon Brown added the winter fuel payment in as a bung to soothe the problem without interfering with the benefit uprating system. 

The money should be targeted to the poorest pensions - those on pension credits.

If you are a little above the threshold for pension credits (and associated benefits) & cannot claim do you end up worse off than those just below the threshold who can (and do) claim?

Just askin'

If so - is that fair?

Shame on Labour and shame on the idiots who voted them in!


Yes - that's fair. In the same way that if you earn a little too much to recieve tax credits you'll be worse off than someone who earns so little that they do.

Did you know that the Spectator editor, Fraser Nelson, recently described: “A millionaire I know has a tradition every year: he buys a bottle of vintage wine with his winter fuel payment and invites friends to drink it."

Is that fair?

I know what you mean sp,however it does seem to suggest(that thing about a £22 billion deficit)that the Labour party seems to be rewarding everyone(including foreign dictators)with loads of dosh and giving zilch back to the Brits?

You're relishing being in the opposition role ain'tcha Tora? You're going full Gully with your attacks 😂😂

Did the Tories not give Billions in Foreign Aid? I'm pretty sure Cameron made it Law.

//09:52, they never can they just spout the BS like children who learned the times tables by wrote, they never have any examples. I'm still trying to get an example of a lie from Either Boris, Farage or Trump.//

TWAU fail here, no-one ever learned their tables by 'wrote', we learned them by rote!

@15.51.Yes,but they gave a lot more to the pensioners in Britain,the Labour socialists dont seem to have the same largesse.What next,the Labour party like the SNP sending money out to the Palestinian terrorists?

It seems they're still miserably low compared to many European countries.

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