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Is There Ever A Good Reason

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Untitled | 05:39 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
10 Answers

to use white phosphorous munitions?





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Well the usual reason is Illumination, smoke production and incendiary.


Question Author

what about using it on populated areas? 

Well I don't know the parameters of the job. The military use the tools they have available to achieve their objective. That's what happens in war.


Question Author

and the objective in this case appears to be poisoning land in southern lebanon in order to drive people off it 

most humane army in the world, we are told! what rot.

Well if S. Lebanon is the base for Hezbollah's attacks on Israel it makes sense for the IDF to try to drive them off it?

Stay in bed Oct 7th, it all goes away.

Question Author

this is a separate conflict to the one in gaza toratoratora

"Well if S. Lebanon is the base for Hezbollah's attacks on Israel it makes sense for the IDF to try to drive them off it?"

just a tiny snag there dave... there also lots of civilian farmers who live on that land as well. do you know what happens when white phosphorous hits a human being?

Untitled "this is a separate conflict to the one in gaza toratoratora" - you can't have it both ways, this is all realated to Oct 7th. You are fond of saying it all started in 1946. It may be traceable back to then but in reality this latest chapter was avoidable and is started on Oct 7th.

This isn't a separate conflict.  The terrorist groups attacking Israel all share the same purpose - Israel's destruction.

You could also ask,Is there ever a good reason to go to war? The simple answer to your question and mine is yes there is.

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