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uk descending into anarchy, seems to being happening everyday now..

Years of right-on liberalism. Policing(Senior), Judiciary & probation is finally coming home to roost.

You reap what you sow as they say,

Gawd - we had a late lunch in the high street yesterday. Fortunately we'd left before the incident. 

"We need to learn how to stop these coordinated events."

Start with shooting dead anyone brandishing a large knife or machete in a public place. No warning, just shoot.

Live by the sword die by the gun.

That's horrendous.

//Start with shooting dead anyone brandishing a large knife or machete in a public place.//

High street butchers, beware !

That's horrendous.


It's not a bad idea if you ask me (assuming your reply was to douglas)

clone, My response was to the situation - but for what it's worth I wouldn't  object Douglas's solution either.  I'm in despair of what's becoming of this country.

The machette has made its way to Hemel Hempstead tonight.

And in London riot police are arresting people randomly.

I'm not confusing Southend with Southport am I?

England did not used to be like this. Please can we go back to where we were?

Unfortunately if you mention the probable reason why we can't (as yet) you are accused of racism.

Even 25 years ago I could not have imagined this.  In the 1950's/60's when I grew up this could not have happened.  Mods vs. Rockers was bad enough.  I despair.  When will people understand what we have allowed/ are allowing to happen to our country?

If I've missed something (very confusing link) and it is lots of mods/rocker types taking to the streets with machetes - then I apologise.

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At In Southend Now.....

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