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Voted Labour? Feeling Conned?

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ToraToraTora | 08:05 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
35 Answers

First they promise no tax rises, then they fabricate an excuse for tax rises, then the reason for the fabrciation becomes clear! Oh but we are still going to give £11.6bn to foreigners for "climate change"! right oh Labour, what next?...."You know we said we would not rise income tax.....?"



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They will raise ALL taxes, just watch this space.


"Ms Reeves reiterrated that the government would not raise VAT, national insurance or income tax, as promised in Labour's manifesto, but she did not rule out increasing inheritance tax, capital gains tax or pension reform."


So, if needing to raise revenue, just about the exact opposite of what she should consider then.

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08:16 TBF there is plenty she could raise. Motoring is far to cheap for example.

Oh gawd.

they knew that they would have to and lied about it. 

They say there is a big hole in the budget. Arent they the ones setting the budget so what are they including that causes them to exceed their income. Live within your means just like we are expected to.

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It's not a big hole it's a fabricated excuse. The GDP of the UK is £3tn, 20 billion out of that is microscopic. Even if you believe their rhetoric it's tiny......Say you earned £1000 it's like losing £3 of it. You could make that up easily right?

TTT keeping mobile is one of our biggest expenditures - no public transport.  Many, many people need their cars to survive.  Unless, of course all these newly really rich doctors will happily drive 10 miles each way to see us instead of us going to them, etc., etc..

i didnt vote labour, no, so not feeling conned, but i'd like to give them more than a few weeks before pronouncing whether theyve been a good govt or not perhaps

I don't think anyone was "conned" into voting Labour. The Labour voters just stuck with their party & they won a landslide with fewer votes overall than they got when they previously lost.

TTT, I long for the days of Bayboy1 who used to slag off Bojo and Thatcher but was suspended before Brexit was an issue so at least didn't keep going on about the EU. 

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They were not conned but I think many Labour voters have no knowledge of what real Labour do in government so they may well start to feel like they have been conned.

Sorry TTT. that should have been on gulliver's thread

Labour lies.

They hung Johnson for it so where is the baying media when this lot lie?

Well they've cured illegal immigration already.  They're calling it Irregular Migration now.  Well that's that sorted. 

Where gully?

By the way, TTT, repeating your 'motoring is far too cheap' mantra over and over doesn't make it any more true.  It's abject nonsense.  Motoring is expensive.

I've lived through Labour governments but this lot do seem almost hysterical in the way they're getting their messages out.

They need to be careful that they don't over-play their hand or give in to the worst excesses of their camp.

Irregular migration is just mealy-mouthed garbage and needs to be challenged every day by everyone.

Feeling conned? No, over joyed that we now have a working PM😁

Is a lying Prime Minister worth having just because he's working? Working is what he's being paid for, his lies are purely of his own choosing.

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