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Southport Rioting

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fbg40 | 08:50 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
42 Answers

What is this world coming to when rioters storm the town of Southport after all that has occurred ?? Many police officers and police dogs injured from flying bricks. I really can't comprehend what is in the minds of these morons.



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Clone seemed pleased by it last night on AnswerBank

I agree fbg40. Those living close by have had people they know killed or injured and now have to pick up the pieces after  a riot which saw wheely bins and bricks being thrown and fires being started. There will be quite a few broken windows and badly damaged cars too.

'Rivers of blood...........'

Who remembers?

I was shocked, all spurred on by fake news on social media.

What good did they think they were doing?

39 members of the police force injured. Some of those rioting will be easy to identify and, as many watching were filming the whole thing on their phones - not to mention the media -  evidence of their actions is already there. 

Let's hope they are all rounded up and given the stiffest punishment available. And i hope that includes sufficiently long prison sentences.

Apparently it's down to Brexit !




Maybe if the Muslim community did more to try to rein in the fanatics & not allow their mosques to be used by hate preachers....



//all spurred on by fake news on social media.//

And that is what happens when you continually gas light people.  Happened down here it was everyone under the sun until the culprit had to be named and it all came out.

Dont get me wrong, rioting is wrong but the it is not surprising and unless the authorities start to be open and honest it will get worse.

Davebro - I  understand the rioters were not Muslims.  They were under the mistaken impression the arrested boy was.  That's why they were targeting mosques.   He was in fact born here of Ruandan parents.

Sorry no link.

if you search on Xwitter for "Southport Brick", pretty much the top hit is a short vid of one of the "protestors" experiencing instant karma. Schadenfreude rules.....

It's hideous but shows how toxic and broken the community is. 

Two bricks to the head and one to the gonads I think you will find.

^^^I thought you were joking...then I looked at the video. Karma indeed.


Clone seemed pleased by it last night on AnswerBank




Muslims can get away with it, attacking police because two of their mates were arrested at manchester airport for attacking police, if I remember rightly the police took to their heels.

And what has happened to the two men, have they been arrested?

And that also is the problem.  

Justice needs to be seen to apply to all, no exceptions.

With regard to the rioting it was more about religion than Race, so the birthplace of the alleged killer has nothing to do with it. However there are very few white Muslims in the Uk (guess)

Paul 09.28 yes I remember well and everything he said has happened in one way or another. 

Yes Paul @09.28 --I remember 'the Rivers of Blood' speech. 

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