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Voted Labour? To Rejoin The Eu?

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gulliver1 | 09:24 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
35 Answers

Labour intends to abolish a key commitee that scrutinises the UK's relationship with the EU.    Labour will scrap the               European Scrutiny Committee as Labour works towards resetting closer relationships with the EU and Brussels.         .......Looks like this is another step to rejoining the EU........



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Where is your Carer today, Gulliver?

Why would we want to rejoin such a poor organisation who cant balance their budgets and are pussyfooting around Ukraine. Remember its largely EU states that are allowing illegal immigrants through to sponge off us.

I'd be more worried about the tax we are going to get slapped with.


A link for you to read:,as%20he%20is%20prime%20minister.

Listen and learn.

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

Keir Starmer has insisted the UK will not rejoin either the EU, the single market or the customs union within his lifetime, in his firmest pledge yet that Labour will not seek much closer relations with Europe for as long as he is prime minister.

Sinead_0, starmer also had a go at the tories for thinking about cancelling the WFA then he does it as soon as he gets into power.  As usual if an MP opens their mouth then what comes out is usually a lie.

The problem is Sinead is that SKS is a liar.

gulliver,   πŸ‘‰earsπŸ‘ˆ La,la,la

The closer we get to rejoining or being a nation outside but under EU control anyway, the more agreements will need to be torn up the moment a patriotic government gets into power. It would be wiser not to put the nation in that position to start with.

Much as joining the EU would significantly benefit the UK (in all sorts of ways), as I’ve already posted, one of the joining criteria is that the county’s ratio of debt to GDP must be <60% - whereas the UK’s currently stands at around 100%.  It isn’t going to come down to 60% any time soon.


Plus with the mental Tory party still supporting Brexit, the EU aren’t going to discuss us re-joining when there is the possibility of them being re-elected on the same ticket.

Well they fudged the rules for the bubbles et al hymie! I don't think many of the EUSSR nations have debt less than 60% of GDP anyway. Not that we'll be rejoining any time soon. It's more like the whole sorry Guano show will implode anyway.

hymie: "Plus with the mental Tory party still supporting Brexit, the EU aren’t going to discuss us re-joining when there is the possibility of them being re-elected on the same ticket." - what's that mean? The tories are not in government but you think Labour will lose the next election?

Many of the EU countries have debt ratios greater than 60%, but they are not applying to join – although the EU is giving them grief over this.

yes - we are eager for the EU overlords to resume "giving us grief" πŸ˜‚

Great ad campaign.


Join the EU, get given grief!


Sounds about right.

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I thought the reason Labour smashed the Tories, and hammered them on to the opposition benches .Was because the majority of the UK are wide awake now and can smell the coffee and finally realise what a disaster Brexit has been 😎

is it hot in the village today gully?

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I see you have had to install lots of cardboard cutouts to fill those Opposition benches then 😎TTT 😎.

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Voted Labour? To Rejoin The Eu?

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