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Huw Edwards Admits Child Porn Charges

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youngmafbog | 11:17 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
58 Answers

37 disgusting images of which 7 were cat 'A'

Vile beast needs a lenghty sentence.



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“why isn't this going to crown court? i had missed that. seems astonishing for such a serious offense.”

“All criminal cases start in the magistrates court. Why they have not kicked it straight up to crown court I don't know, judge?”

Because the sentencing guidelines do not immediately warrant it.

Mr Edwards’ offending involves possession of Category A images. If you look at “Step 2” of  the sentencing guidelines:

You will see a table and Mr Edwards’ offence sits in the top left entry of that table. As Mr Edwards’ counsel suggested, the “Starting Point” is twelve months’ custody with a “range” of 26 weeks to 3 years. Those recommendations are irrespective of plea and aggravating/mitigating circumstances, so the starting point must be adjusted to accommodate those features.

The Magistrates’ court has clearly decided the matter may be appropriate for sentencing there. If they believed it could only be dealt with in the Crown Court they would not have ordered a probation report. Instead they would have sent Mr Edwards to the Crown court and the Judge there decides what, if any, reports are required. As well as that, as I mentioned, if they have not ruled out subsequently sending Mr Edwards to be sentenced in the Crown Court he must be warned of that by the Magistrates’ court. I couldn’t be sure that he wasn’t warned but I imagine the media would have mentioned it if he had and I have seen no reports to that effect.

ok I see, cheers judge.

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so you are saying the NONCE will get away with it?

I wonder who he knows in high quarters?

I wonder if there would be such a furore if a nonentity were guilty of similar offences🙄

As NJ has explained at length, he is not receiving favours. The law is being applied


A nonentity in similar circumstances would not get one sentence in the local paper and would receive a similar sentence 

I remember reading a few years back about a man jailed for possessing pictures of child abuse.

This was not in Britain (Canada or Australia maybe) so I don't know if the same would apply here.

Anyway, it was reported that Bart Simpson was one of the children. Which is ludicrous. The law should deal only with images of actual human children, and I hope British law does so.

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^^^^ Read the case, it not ruddy BArt Simpson.

Gawd, look at all the liberals out on his side.

It makes me sick.

12:53 what a moronic thing to say. These aren't cartoons you plonker!

UK law includes 'quasi children'. As I understand it this includes photos of women purporting to be younger than there years and computer generated images of children.

Perhaps someone can confirm or correct 

Jno is commenting on a different case

I don't see any liberals on this thread, young.

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Yes and as usual trying to deflect from this one.

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Try the mirror mate.

I think his public profile / celebrity should be ignored & he be dealt with the same way as any similar offender. If some think that adds up to leniency then it's the justice system at fault.

that's what I was wondering, barry. These days anyone can put Taylor Swift's head on a five-year-old's body - or more awkwardly a 15-year-old's body - and I don't know if the law is set up to take this into account.

Young, I am hardly liberal. I have mentioned more than once on AB that I do not like porn in any form.

I have said on this thread that if I received an image of that sort I would report it to the police.

I said on this thread that I hope he goes to prison for a long time.

Where have I given a liberal viewpoint?

"Jno is commenting on a different case" - yes and drawing some sort of parallel with this one. Then he's back peddalling at 13:01. I've seen some idiocy on this site......gawd elp us!


you are behaving like a foolish old man. nobody has made excuses and nobody has said that the charges involved here are not extremely serious. get a grip. jno was talking about another case.

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