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"38-year-old Mark Henderson of Albert Road in Southport, has been charged with attempted murder."

Oh look, he has been named.

Possibly named so that EDL thugs won't return to finish what they started yesterday?

EDL hasn't existed for a while.,Armistice%20Day%20in%20Whitehall%2C%20London.


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he's also over 18 youngmafbog

Doubtless other crimes are committed in Southport as they are practically anywhere else - and this is one of them.  Totally unrelated to the horrific attack in which three children died.

Why is Falaq's brother not being charged with something?

That was last Saturday, before the atrocity on Monday. Obviously unconnected. No sure it is being mentioned at all.

Who is Falaq?  What is the connection to this story?

According to the link the stabbing occurred 'inside a property'.  No mention of whose property


Stop the 11 billion for windmills abroad and build some more prisons.

Some people make comments about thngs because they've seen or heard it in the media and assume it must be true. 

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More Violence In Southport

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