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We'll Have To Increase Taxes, Says Reeves

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naomi24 | 12:26 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | News
26 Answers

Labour's new-found power is looking more and more like an Advent Calendar.  A new revelation every day.


//Labour said repeatedly during the election campaign there would be no tax rises on "working people"//


If 'working people' aren't going to be affected, who is?



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She's only going to tax the "Rich" but when it comes to it people on £40k will be considered "rich" because there are not enough rich to add up to enough. Labour have always failed to realise that most tax is payed by the working class either directly or when they spend what they have on something that has VAT, duty etc, ie almost everything.

Pensioners Naomi.

But surely any Advent calendar can only contain a maximum of 31 surprises in a year?

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The woman is a bad joke, webbo.

The problem being ( not for me) theres no chocolate treat, just another bitter pill to take. I must say though, it is hilarious reading some posts accusing KS of lying  yet over the last 14 years, especially the Boris era, not one single accusiation of such lying.🤣🤣🤣🤣 Me thinks its called, the boots are on the other feet. It all comes out in the wash sooner or later.😁

//especially the Boris era, not one single accusiation of such lying.//

Recollections seem to vary.

Look throught the pages you will see plenty of Boris 'lies' being discussed.  This is no different so if it was good enough for Johnson why cant we now use the lefts mantra against Sir Kier?

come on, now, nicebloke, I spent all of this decade accusing Boris of lying.

But Labour had no way of knowing just how deep a hole Britain was in - the Office of Budget Responsibility were only told a week or so ago - and Reeves is quite correctly having to deal with the mess.

Of course we're all agreed that Britain needs to be put back on its feet but that anyone but us should pay...

//But Labour had no way of knowing just how deep a hole Britain was in//

Well there is a whopper.

The books have been available for them to see, explain how the IFS didnt see it but all of a sudden Reeves can.

Gawd you talk some rubbish.

shock horror ! Labour puts up taxes

Plenty of Boris lies discussed? Yeap for sure, most started by gulliver, put slapped down by 90% of AB posters. NOW, we dont have one gully we have loads. Just think its funny big time.🤣🤣🤣🤣

"We'll Have To Increase Taxes, Says Reeves"

Who'd have thunk it.  Lying gits.

oddly enough you rarely have one gully! He's gone all quiet these days.

Probably embarrased by the party that he raves about so much.  I bet his mum's caught up in the winter heating allowance withdrawal.

The books have been available for them to see

they were not. The government has been particularly surprised to discover "a £6.4bn spending overshoot on asylum and immigration, which was a direct result of the decision by the last government to stop processing “inadmissible” claims within the UK." (I'm quoting the FT.)

Likewise "citing the example of cash handed to rail companies to make up for passenger shortfalls without adequate budgeting. “That was unfunded and undisclosed,” she said. "

As I said  - everyone knew petrol was low, but the previous government was careful not to let anyone, even the OBR, know just how low.

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Here's the rest of your article, jno, where Reeves is quoted before the election saying that Labour’s inheritance would be “the worst since the second world war”.  She knew what she was inheriting - and why.

If as she says, the Chancellor was unable to exam the books prior to the election, why did she not say so, and say that until she knew the full state of the economy she couldn't possible say what taxes, if any, will need to be increased.

Instead she said all during the campaign that she would not increase taxes, nor would she be taking pensioners winter fuel allowance away. One assumes from that she must have known the state of the economy otherwise it shows a lack of understanding and/or blatant incompetence.  She repeated lied throughout the campaign and now she has been caught out.

Ah yes selective cut and pasting from someone who is far left and hates the UK.  What a surprise.

This government will not last it's full term it has a very weak leader who took the Knee BLM didnt know what a women was, the party is based on ideology not facts people are now waking up to the political class and unrest will follow.

All this black hole row locks is a load of rowlocks, even if true it amounts to 0.045% of GDP.

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